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I jump up from my slumber and bolt out of the room before Derek could say anything. Just before I thought everything was going great a damn burglar has to come in our house. My mind is racing with thoughts, and my thoughts were right.


How did he get out of jail?! Did they let him out! He notices me and stands straight from where he was kneeled down.

"How did you-" he stops when he sees Derek behind me. The fire burning inside me is not going to keep me from attacking him much longer. I start shaking when I pull the phone off of the charger and dial the number I need the most right now.

"Don't I can't stand it there." He thinks I care?!

"I don't give a shit! Your going back to that ce- hello?! Drake is here come quick!" I'm pacing the room as I let my ex of a psychotic husband stand in my kitchen.

"Care I-" I interrupt Derek.

"No! Don't say anything. This man is psycho and he needs to leave as soon as the cops get here. I'm done dealing with him Derek, I can't take it anymore!" I scream falling to my knees. He kneels down next to me as the blue and red flashing light hit the house with astonishment.

I scramble to my feet. "Keep an eye on that one." I tell him, meaning it with every thought. The door opens and they find him. He try's to run away but doesn't get very far. His orange suit is being shaken with him in it as they pull his arms behind his back.

I stand there, not saying anything. Derek comes to me second guessing to even lay a finger on me. I turn to him and bury my face into his bare chest. "I'm sorry I snapped at you, I just hate him so much." I say meaning every word.

"It's okay, I would be like this too if I were you. Don't worry." I feel my weight being lifted in the thick air, Derek has picked me up and is bringing me to my room. He sets me gently on the bed and I start to panick. "The kids!" I scream, he holds me and hushes me to be quiet. "There fine, I checked on them, you go to sleep while I talk to the officer, okay?" He says and I can't seem to stop.

"No, please don't leave, I'm terrified." I confess. He looks at the door, an officer stands in the frame of the area. "Are you guys okay, we are so sorry we will be putting him in a vault now that he escaped." The officer assures us. Derek says thank you and they take him away and close our doors.

"Derek.." I say, I'm scared that if he leaves, drake will come back. "I'm here, it's okay, I'm right here." He says and I grab ahold of his arm, laying my head on his knees. "Don't leave me." I say through my shaky voice. "Shh, I won't." He says, I believe him.


The sun is peeking through the blinds and it seeps through my eyelids. I try to open my eyes but it hurts too much, probably from the crying and screaming. When I look over it, I sound like a little girl. But at least they got him out my house. I feel Derek's arm move to my stomach from my thigh. He then grabs my waist to pull me closer. I still can't open my eyes, but I know he is looking at me.

"Is the sun too bright?" He asks, his morning voice is adorable, I need him to shade me. "Just a little." I say. He leans over me, reading my thoughts and I finally open my eyes. My crusty eyes adjust the light and I see that he is still hovering over my body. Vertically, I can see his frame, it's a wonderful sight. I smile weakly and he moves my hair away from my face.

"Your beautiful." He says, nothing else just that. I'm surprised and I start to shift my body away from him but I don't budge. He has me captive, holding me so I can't hide myself. "Your making me blush!" I say feeling embarrassed. "Good." He tells me with no worry about my comment back. I don't say anything, I just sit there under his shadow, flushed cheeks. I reach up to his neck to pull him closer. With my free hand I touch his soft lips, now moving both of my hands around the lower half of his face.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now