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The rest of the day was a blur when I woke up the next morning. As usual for the last days Alyssa was by my side, sound asleep. I got up quietly and made my way to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I thought I just need a tiny bit of a touch up, so I touched up my hair and makeup.

"Alyssa, come in the kitchen breakfast is ready!" I made her French toast with whipped cream and strawberries. "Yummy! I'm hungry."

"Good, cause I wanna tell you something while you eat." She looked at me weirdly and I went on. "Mommy has a date again, and I want you to come with. It's like a play date." She smiled and ate her food as fast as she could. "Slow down, your gonna choke. It's a boy so be on your best behavior." She nodded in agreement. "I just hope he likes you."

We get dressed and head out to the car. I'm wearing my lucky jeans, again. With a nice shirt that my mom recently bought me for my birthday. On the other hand, Alyssa has got her cutest outfit I could find. She has a dress with little flip flops that go with it. We get into the car and head to the coffee shop where I was yesterday with Derek.

Derek and his son are sitting at a table for four. We walk over and his sons eyes grow wide. I could hear him whispering to Derek. "You didn't tell me she was beautiful!" I laughed at the words that he said to his father.

"I didn't have to." We sat down and introduced each other to everyone. "Well, Caroline this is my son, Wren. Wren, this is Caroline. And Alyssa." I thought I saw some drool coming down his lips but it must of just been the sun.

"Nice to meet you Wren!" Me and Alyssa shook his hand. Alyssa was so nervous I could tell it by the way she looked at him. Derek and I ordered coffee, while Wren and Alyssa sat on the sidewalk. "I heard what he said before we sat down. Does he really like her THAT much?" He had a smirk on his face that made it obvious, he did like Alyssa.

"Wren has a tendency to give many good compliments, but when he said that to her, I didn't know if it was a compliment or if he just liked her in general." I looked back at them. Wren's hand was really close to Alyssa's. I didn't know that this would be so cute for little kids to like each other.

When I looked back at Derek, his bright blue eyes were staring at me. I was getting nervous when he smiled. "I never noticed your eyes, there really pretty." I could say the same about his. My cheeks were burning, I didn't know what to say.

"Um, thank you. I can't stop looking at yours." I can't believe I just said that. I covered my mouth. "Sorry, that was awkward." He laughed, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. "No, you don't have to be sorry. I just... I've never met anybody like you."

A warm smile spread across my face. "But we only just met a week ago, you barely know me? Oh what am I saying! I sound so stupid right?" He looked at me not saying anything. "No no no, is not stupid. It's cute." I was shocked inside, but warmed on the outside. "Thanks, I get like this when I'm nervous." He smiled at me and stood up. He turned to Wren.

"Boy, is it nice out! We could go to the park, go swimming." I feel a hint of sarcastic in his voice. He is too nice, I just hope I don't take it for granted. "I'm not good at choosing things, it never ends well!" I laugh, we have a great outcome in this... Friendship so far. I'm liking it.

We head down to the park across the street. I suddenly feel a tingle in my hand. Derek's hand touched mine and I flinched. "Sorry.. I didn't mean t..." He stops as I grab his hand. What a stupid move, why did I do that. Out of all the things I could think of I just had to grab his hand, out of all things. I turned and smiled to him, he looks so nervous.

I give him a flirty grin the next time I look at him. He holds my hand tighter. Two can play that game! I give him the courage to take the next move, but instead he steals it and grabs ahold of my elbows gently. I gasp at his sudden move. "I think it's funny how we just met a week ago. I can't help at how beautiful you are." He looks at me for a few seconds and lets go.

He leaned in slowly and kissed me lightly. Oh he can do better than that. I let him have it and push my lips against his. "A lot can happen in one week." I say with courage, know that I had him in my eyes and I couldn't get him out.

His touch is so gentle, and warm. I pull away slowly, grinning wide. "I know you couldn't help it from the minute I sat down. I just wanted to torture you." I give him a wink and he pulls me back in for more. I almost forgot about Alyssa and Wren when we parted.

"The kids!" I started laughing. We ran down the sidewalk, hand in hand and saw them on the playground. It was a pretty old playground with chipped paint and faded colors. "They are too cute." He says and decides to stand against a tree and watch them. He pulls me towards him and holds me in his arms. "Is it awkward? You know...us?" He seems nervous, I won't let him be.

"No it's not, I just...I never thought I would find someone else after my divorce, I mean it hasn't been very long since I called it quits between me and him." He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. "Well? It could be worse, I would have a black eye and would not be able to see. Maybe not even be able to walk." He isn't making sense. "I'm not following? Why would you get hurt?" He chuckles. "Cause, Drayven? Is it, would probably be beating me up right now." I laughed at his attempt. "It's Drake, and if he goes near you he will be sorry. He's not aloud to anyway."

Sorrow takes over his expression, leaving me to look at him with sympathy. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad. I was jus.." I cut him off with another kiss. I can already see his eyes brightening. I really like Derek, he is nice and the person I see myself with.

For the first time in a long time, I feel alive with someone, a guy. Someone I think, I think I can trust. I barely know him, but I will make sure he is the one. "You really like me don't you?" I nod nervously, I shouldn't be so shy, I'm living, and getting back what I lost.

"I never thought I would meet someone else that has so much in common with me. I just don't see myself with anyone, not after my divorce..."

He cupped my face and looked straight into my eyes. "I don't get why you think that? Your beautiful, nice, and for the most part, your just plain amazing from when I bumped into you and spilled coffee onto your shirt." We both bursted out laughing. "Your words are just so exquisite!" I say sarcastically, he laughs and kisses my hand.

"No trouble miss, I will make sure to speak in that kind of 'exquisite' language more often when we are with each other." I put my hand on my chest and roll my eyes while he goes on one knee and it just humors me. "More often huh? Does that mean you liked the second date?" He stands up and holds both of my hands. "And I'll like many more." My heart swells at his words. 'Many more' He has already thought about spending the future with me?

It makes me so happy that he actually wants to spend time with me and get to know me more, maybe even fall in love with me. We may not be actually dating yet, but at least I'm getting what I've always wanted. I can't wait to see what the future brings us.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now