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"You sure you found him?" I said to the officer. "Yes. He won't be leaving for a long time. You don't have to worry about anything." I sighed, rubbing my temples. Derek wrapped his arms around my shoulder, tucking his head against my neck.

"We will be going to sign papers, that won't let him out for as long as we can afford to hold him." I nodded, smiling weakly. "Thank you." With that, he nodded and walked away into his cop car.

Derek turned me to him, holding my face in his hands. "Are you sure your okay?" I nodded, closing my eyes. "I'm fine." My arms cling to his neck, pulling him into a hug.

"Can we go?" I whispered in his ear. He nodded against my cheek and backed away, intertwining our fingers together. "What'd they say? Are we able to go?"

"Yeah, they said they would be keeping him there for a very long time." I pulled my mom into a hug, calming her down. "Mom I'm fine.." She nodded, backing up. Moving to my dad, I squeezed him tight.

"So you guys are all going home?"

"I guess so, I'll call you soon." They smiled, we waved as we walked to Derek's car. "Do you want me to go get the kids?" My cheeks burned, I was still in slight shock but I was also still scared.

"Yeah, Isaac and Bailey are probably tired of babysitting." With a nod, we were off to the community center. The ride there was silent. My dress was dirty, and I didn't feel like walking in and looking like a slob.

"I'll go in, stay here." He said, completely reading my mind. When the kids came back out, I felt relieved. I was okay, I was safe.

"Alright, we can go home." I smiled on the inside, but I just didn't have the energy to show it.

When we pulled into the driveway, the kids ran out, straight to the door. "Too cute." Derek said as he snaked a hand around my waist. I smiled and leaned into him.

"I'll tuck them in." I said walking straight to their room. "Let's get in bed, a whole day of playing tomorrow." They giggled, crawling into their beds. I tucked Alyssa in, kissing her forehead and tickling her. When I moved over to Wren, he looked nervous. "You okay?"

He nodded and fiddled with his fingers. I brushed his hair away from his face, smiling at him. "Can.. can you read a story?" I blinked. That's the most I've heard from him ever. He never talked, at least not around me..

"Of course. Which one?" Alyssa crawled out of bed, getting her box of books. "Pick one." She said. Wren got up, walking to the box and picking out one of Alyssa's favorites.

"Okay butts back in." I laughed and they scrammed into bed. I sat in between their beds, reading the book. By the time I was three pages in, they were fast asleep. I got up, closing the book and placing it on the night stand.

I kissed Alyssa goodnight again, tucking her in. Then I went to Wren, tucking him in and brushing hair away from his face. I started walking away, looking back one last time at the two of them. "Thanks mommy." I turned around seeing Wren smiling, but still asleep.

My heart melted, I didn't think he liked me all that much, but I guess he was just too afraid to say it. I smiled and shut the light off, closing the door.

I walked to my room, spotting Derek laying on the bed. I jumped on the bed, laying on top of him. "Hi." He laughed turning around. "Well hello there." I hugged him from behind, kissing his jaw. His mouth curled, showing his full smile.

He turned around, towering over me. "I'm tired, let's go to bed." I laugh and kiss his lips. "Okay.." I smiled. He kissed my neck, putting his hands under my back.

He lifted me up, and I criss crossed in front of him. His hands went to the rim of my shirt, lifting it over my head. I felt exposed, I was only in a tank top and shorts..

He kissed my jaw, laying me back down as he slid my shorts off. He pulled the covers down, letting me crawl under them. When he came under them with me, his arms wrapped around me tightly, bringing my close to his body.

"I love you." He whispered in my ear. I turned around, running my hands against his bare chest. "I love you too." His head curled against my neck, kissing it gently. "Goodnight." My hands went through his hair, and I sighed, closing my eyes. "Goodnight, Derek."

I fell asleep in his arms, feeling the safest I have in a while.

Chasing Fate- New Beginnings (UNDER EXTREME EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now