2. I wish I could

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Charlie's POV:
Meghan leaves and I close the door. I run my hands through my already, messy hair and slump down on the floor. Meghan, why do you do this too me? I want to say I love her. I want to say I think she is perfect. But I can't. I am too scared. Too scared of rejection. Too scared of our friendship crumbling. I wish I could but I can't.

Meghan's POV:
I stroll down to my dressing room and find roses addressed from my mom and dad that Ryan picked out due to long distance. I take off my heels and slump down on the couch. I take out my iPhone and check Twitter. There are already 1.2 THOUSAND tweets about Marlie and Charlie singing along to "Bang Dem Sticks". I send a tweet saying, "Hey Megatronz! Great Show tonight and thanks to @charlieputh for back-up singing. Lol. BUT we are JUST friends." I send it out and text Charlie.

Charlie's POV:
I was packing my things when I get a text from Meghan.

"Hey check Twitter and post something similar plz"

I quickly open it up and search her Twitter handle. I scroll to her recent and click on it. I cannot believe it. She completely turned me down. In front of all her fans. I create a new tweet and say, "show was awesome :)" and then "wish you knew what I wish I could say" and finally, "look what you made me do". My Twitter starts blowing up and most of them are tags of Meghan's Twitter. Oh no. I sent another tweet and said, "last two were song lyrics, watcha think?" I sigh and continue packing. Not a minute later I hear banging on my door.

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