59. Pillow Fights

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Charlie's POV:
Am I happy she said yes? Of course I am. I got really scared when she said no at first. But now when I see her with the glistening ring on her finger and laying in the hotel bed with my arms around her and we are both clothed, I realize I love her more than sex. I really don't want to tell Ryan though. He just started being nicer to me and with today's events I think I have a death sentence. Meghan rolls over some and ends up out of my arms. I just lay there and wonder how she is feeling. After she finished crying earlier, she told me she just wanted to sleep. She laid down and I wrapped my arms around her. She fell asleep fairly quickly so I couldn't even talk to her about today. I get off of the bed and walk towards the bathroom. I wash my face and just stand there looking at my reflection. I barely recognize myself. I would have never hurt Meghan like this. Who have I turned into? I need to be better for both of us. I walk back over to the bed and see Meghan has stolen my pillow and is hugging it tightly to her chest. I laugh a little and remember when she begged me for one of my t-shirts.


"Why do you want it so much?" I ask Meghan.

"We literally just went shopping and got you multiple shirts." I laugh.

"But none of those shirts smell like you. Your scent is addicting.." She says and wraps her arms around my neck. I wrap my arms around her waist,

"Is that so?" I ask.

"Mmmmmhmmm.." She says. I go to kiss her but then she runs out of my arms.

"I even know which one I want!" She yells running up the stairs. I run after her and into our shared room. I open the door and see she already put on a shirt, my favorite shirt to be exact.

"Not that one." I beg. She gives me a puppy face and I give up.

"Okay, you can have that shirt if you will french kiss me." I say knowing she only does that when we are in bed. She suddenly pushes her lips against mine and sure enough, french kisses.

"You...really.........want....that....shirt..." I say breathlessly. She smiles and nods.

Present Day:

I finally wake Meghan up. It's nearly noon and I want to take her to lunch. I kiss her lips and slowly, she wakes up. She smiles and grabs my neck, pulling me down.

"Are you still mad at me?" I ask, smirking.

"Mmmm, how much can I spend on the wedding from church to Kardashian?" She asks, laughing.

"Anything for my Princess." I say.

"I'm not out for your money Charlie, I just want my only wedding to be extravagant..." She says quietly.

"I know silly." I say and start tickling her.

"Char- Char... Charlie.. Stop! I can't breathe!" She screams, laughing. I shake my head no and keep tickling her. All of a sudden, Ryan bursts through the door and charges at me. I freak out and flinch waiting impact and he hits me with a pillow and starts laughing.

"Wha-What?" I ask confused.

"I know you weren't hurting Meg but I still needed to save her!" He yells and hits me again. I grab a pillow and hit him back. Soon we are all in a pillow fight, even my mom is in it. We finally stop and collapse on to the bed or floor, still laughing. My mom comes over to us and smiles,

"Can I see the ring?" She asks. Meghan proudly gives her hand to my mom and smiles.

"Could have done bigger, better, with your paycheck Charles." She says, still looking at Meghan's ring.

"Don't worry Mrs. Puth, he will make up for it in the reception." Meghan says.

"Oh, Meghan, call me Deb. Mrs. Puth will soon be you, darling." She says smiling.

Author Note: Short little chapter to lead into the next one! Make sure to comment, like, and share!

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