83. Do I?

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Charlie's POV:
I grabbed Meghan's hands wanting this to be a dream, no, a nightmare. As soon as she started crying I felt terrible. She can't be serious. She wants to end the life of our child before it's even born? No, I can't let her. I won't let her. She might just be going through a stage. I think through all the books and articles I have read through but can't remember any of them. I squeeze her hands again and I see Ryan come up behind Meghan. I can't hear him through my thoughts and Meghan's crying so I just crouch there stunned. Before I know it, I am pulled away from Meghan and Ryan holds me back. I see Meghan run away and try to go after her, but Ryan's grip has tightened and I can't fight my way out. As soon as we both hear a door slam Ryan lets me go. One of Meghan's dancers comes up to me and asks what just happened. The rest of the group stands behind her stunned. I shake my head and rub my temples,

"Pregnancy stuff, only Meghan and I need to know about." I say as soon as Jordon storms in.

"Charles!" She yells. I reluctantly walk over to her and see her face red with anger.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I am gone for 10 minutes to get stuff for Meghan and you manage to f**k up enough she calls me crying from the bathroom?!" She screams. Without thinking, I run to the women's bathroom and turn the nob. Locked. I whisper Meghan's name and with no answer, I pick the lock. Jordon joins me when I am just about to open the door.

"You really freaking think she wants to see you?" She says as more of a statement than a question. I ignore her and open the door slightly. There I find Meghan curled up by the door with her head on the tiles. I pick her up bridal style and carry her to my car ignoring Jordon's rant. I strap her in and drive her to her house. Ryan meets me there and helps me tuck her into her bed. We both agree it's best if I give her some space and stay at my house until she or Ryan contacts me. I nod and drive off.

Meghan's POV:
When I finally wake up, my head is throbbing from which I guess is from crying. I sit up in my bed surprised. How did I get here? I don't remember coming home. Charlie. He must of done something to get me here. I can't deal with him right now. I made up my mind last night when I couldn't stand my cravings and too scared to ask Charlie for another crave run. I get dressed in normal clothes and head downstairs. I manage to pass Ryan without him noticing me and I grab my phone and keys off of the table by the front door. I head out to my car and over to the abortion clinic. When I arrive I check in under my alias and sit down in one of the chairs. A few minutes later, a nurse takes me to a room to wait. She tells me it's probably going to be an hour or two before the doctor can even talk to me about the procedure. I nod and sit down on the bed table.

Ryan's POV:
An hour after Charlie leaves, I head upstairs to check on Meghan. I knock on the door and with no response go in. I walk over to her bed and find her missing. I check the bathroom, not there. Kitchen, nope. I check the driveway and see her car is missing. I immediately call Charlie.

"Hello?" He says quietly.

"Hey Charlie it's Rya-" Before I can finish I am cut off by Charlie's excitement,

"Is she awake? Can I come over? Does-" I decide to cut him off,

"She's missing. I thought she might have drove to you." I say. I hear the line go silent for awhile and then Charlie speaks,

"Okay Ryan, I know you might, wait never mind. I know where Meghan is and it isn't good."

"Where is she Charlie?" I ask worried.

"At an abortion clinic." He says. I feel my heart fall and can't imagine what Charlie must be feeling.

"We have to find her!" I say and explain to Charlie what side of Los Angles he should check and which ones I should check. I hang up and call Jordon to have her try and contact Meghan.

Meghan's POV:
I try relaxing in the eerily cold room but with no luck, I turn on the television. The channel I am on shows a family with little kids playing at the park, happy. I start crying again and pick up my phone to call Charlie. I can't drive like this. When I unlock it, floods of missed calls and messages come zooming in. I forgot I put it on "DO NOT DISTURB" for a reason and turn my phone off again. I have to do this. I am not ready to be a mother. Yes, I want kids, but not right now. I let my legs hang off the table and swing them forwards and backwards. I start crying again when I feel something in my stomach lightly move. This is the first time I felt my baby kick. I cry even more and remember Charlie's face when I finally told him earlier. He was devastated. I never realized what I do now is not only my business, it is also his business. He wants to have a family with me. But do I? He wants to help me with the pregnancy and promised to wake up whenever I needed something, anything. I feel even worse than before if that's even possible. I start to pick up my phone again but decide to just head home and not tell anyone I was here. I walk out of the room and through the halls to the entrance. I sit down on one of the benches and think about going back in. I start crying again and I feel arms wrap around me. I am too sad to see who it is and cry into their shirt. I hear the voice talking to me and finally recognize it as Charlie's.

"Shhhhhhhh, Meg. It's okay, I'm here." He says rocking me. I manage out a slurred sorry and the unspeakable happens. Charlie softly says,

"I knew you wouldn't do it. You wouldn't kill our child." I sit up and look him in the face. His expression changes drastically.

"Wait. D-do you mean sorry as in you d-did it?" He asks. I stay silent and think of going back in.

"Meghan talk to me! I need to know!" He screams at me, shaking me. I just stare at the doors of the clinic.

"Meghan!" He yells. I finally turn and look at him,

"Did you get an abortion?" He says softly.

"Why does it matter Charlie? Are you going to leave me if I did?" I ask. He shakes his head but then stays still for awhile. He finally reaches his hands out and before I can stop him, he rests his hands on my stomach. As if on cue, the baby kicks. Charlie smiles and hugs me.

"Thank you." He says softly. I rest my head on his shoulder and we sit there together, as a family.

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