82. Why?

284 21 4

Meghan's POV:
"5....6....7....8!" Michy yells. We all follow the dance moves to one song out of the many I will be performing. We have been taught the moves over the last two hours, which could have been condensed to a little over an hour if Ryan would stop making us take a break every 15 minutes so I can rest. I look in the mirror at myself and feel awful. I know I was bigger than everyone else and people even told me that, but now, it's worse. My stomach has grown more than 1/4 it's size and I want this to happen. I want a healthy baby. Before I know it, Ryan yells cut and I hear the dancers, not so discretely sigh. I walk over to Ryan and give him an evil glare he puts his hands up in defense and backs away. I keep a straight face on the outside but I start giggling on the inside. I grab a water bottle from a cooler and sit down on my director chair. I take a sip from the bottle and lean back, trying to relax. I feel hands on my shoulders and I relax even more. The soft hand's who can only be Charlie's lays them on my stomach and I smile. He sets his chin on my head and we both giggle.

"Hey princess." He says. I look up at him and laugh. He has his hair pushed back with a headband and I laugh even more.

"Hello." I say smiling.

"So, how's practice." He asks walking around the chair to in front of me.

"Terrible, Ryan keeps making us take breaks even when I don't need it." I whine. Charlie listens and nods his head but I can tell he is thinking.


"Meg, Ryan is just looking out for you." He says massaging my palms I didn't know he grabbed.

"Why?" I whine.

"It's better to have a break before you hurt yourself and our baby." He says. I sigh and look down.

"Wah-Wait." He says lifting my chin.

"What's wrong?" He asks. I just shake my head not wanting the words to come out.

"Tell me, please." I still shake my head.

"If you tell me, a, you will feel better, and b, maybe I can help." He says smiling. I feel my eyes start to well with tears and the words come out,

"I don't know if I want to do this anymore." I say.

"Do what? Meghan what do you mean?" Charlie asks his voice increasing with nervousness.

"I-I d-don't wa-want to have m-my ba-baby." I cry out. Charlie's eyes go wide and I cry even more.

"N-no Meg. Don't say that!" He says squeezing my palms. I just shake my head more and cry. I hear Ryan come over and ask Charlie what happened. Charlie doesn't respond, so Ryan comes over and prys Charlie off of me. I run to the women's bathroom and lock the door. I slide down the door and collapse on the ground in a puddle of tears. Soon sleep overtakes me and I feel the cold bathroom tiles come into contact with my cheek.

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