34. Photoshop

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Meghan's POV:
Jordon rolls over and I fall out of the bed, waking me up. I stretch and realize its 8 a.m! I have to finalize the "Me Too" video! I run over to my computer and see thousands of Instagram and Twitter posts about it. I scroll through so of the photos and see the Megatronz are altering my body. My hips are way too small. But the Megatronz wouldn't do that. I open Youtube and watch the video, it's out and I didn't finalize it. I start crying, they altered my waist. THEY FREAKING PHOTOSHOPPED MY BASS. Ryan and Jordon run over to where I'm sitting and watch the rest of the video. Ryan calls management and JOJO tries comforting me. I cry into her shirt and Ryan takes my computer and deletes the video.

"Ry-Ryan, wha-what about the "Me Too" release party in Ti-Time Square?" I ask.

"They have, no, they will fix it by then." He says and continues talking to management. Jordon takes me back to our room and helps me get ready. She hands me my phone and I see Charlie is FaceTiming me. I answer.

"Hey Princess." He says. I smile,


"I heard what happened with the "Me Too" video. Do you want me to fly to New York?" He asks.

"No, Charlie. I'm fine, just.... mad. You need to stay there, you have a show tonight after all!" I say.

"But you mean more to me than anyone who will be attending tonight." He says.

"Char, that's really sweet but Ryan and Jordon have it under control." I say. I wish he could be here with me but I know he has a career too.

"Okay, I love you!" He says and tell him I love him more and hang up.

Still Meghan's POV:
The video ends up being fixed and I went to Times Square and had an awesome time with my friends, family, and a few of my Megatronz. They loved the real me and I couldn't be happier. Charlie even texted me that night and told me how great it was.

Author Note: Little short and sweet chapter. What did you think? Should Charlie have left and flew over Meghan anyway or stayed for his concert? Comment down below and make sure to like, comment, and share!

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