72. Busy-Busy Bee

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Charlie's POV:
Once I finish my set I am immediately ushered to my tour bus. I see Meghan with a shocked expression and she runs after the group. The group of body guards hastily push me into my tour bus and guard the entrance.

Meghan's POV:
I follow the group and see they push Charlie into his bus. I walk up to them and they give me evil eyes and confused expressions.

"May I go in, please?" I ask nicely.

"What's your name?" One of the guards ask.

"Meghan Puth." I reply. My stomach tingles with happiness whenever I say it.

"You aren't on the list of people allowed inside." Another guard says.

"What? I'm his wife." I say starting to get angry.

"Try Meghan Trainor..." I say and look to the guard with the clipboard.

"Nope, sorry." He says. I walk away a little and see Charlie has texted.

"You aren't going to get in..."

"Why? Do you not want to see me or?"

"It's nothing like that..."

"Than what is it?"

"Jonathan, he doesn't want me to be around you."

I start to feel my stomach knot.

"What are we going to do?"

"Nothing rn, we will pretend to be separated and I will go on my tour and you will go on your's"


"Meg, I will always be one call away. We just can't see each other until he blows off some steam."


Charlie's POV:
Hate is a very strong word. It is also the word I used when I told Jonathan I f**king hate him. He rolled his eyes and went to his bunk.

"By the way, we are staying in a hotel tomorrow and you have a meet and greet too!" He yells. Just perfect. My phone buzzes and I see Meghan has texted again,

"Why aren't you a busy 🐝. Going to be on the Today Show this Friday!"

I check my calendar, and sure enough it's there.

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