22. Ellen

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Charlie's POV:
I stand behind the wall dividing me from Ellen. I am so nervous to talk to Ellen. She's the one who founded me and beilleved in me when nobody else did. And without her I wouldn't be here today, and I doubt I would of met Meghan. The only thing is, Meghan and I were forced by management to tell the world it was a publicity stunt and a one time thing. Meghan cried the whole day when she found out. But that brings us to present day. Meghan and I are still together and our love has grown. Meghan is even here with me today, but isn't allowed to be behind here with me. She kept trying but got caught and told to leave. She doesn't care and sneaks around the corner again. I grab her hips and start kissing her.

"I love you too!" She exclaims.

"I just came back here to tell you good luck and be yourself but man I got a lot more!" She laughs and I am probably blushing super red. She smiles and gives me a peck on the cheek and leaves. Just then the music comes back on and Ellen starts talking. She says my name and I walk out with a great big smile. I sit down in the foamy, white chair and turn towards Ellen. I can't stop smiling I am so happy. The crowd stops cheering and Ellen talks about how she founded me, my record deal, album, and then finally Meghan. The image of our kiss pops up on the screen and I laugh. I remember what my manager said and word it very carefully. I describe her as my best friend and hope Meghan understands. She then plays the kiss and nobody pays attention to me. The video finally ends and I talk about what I wanted for Marvin Gaye and how I achieved it. It finally turns to commercial and we take a break. I run off stage and find Meghan talking to one of the stage workers. She looks my way and excuses herself from the lady. She struts over and gives me a hug,

"You did great!" She exclaims. I laugh and hear the theme song playing and run over to the performance stage. I take a seat at my piano and sing Marvin Gaye. I look over at the stage curtain and Meghan is peaking out and she gives me a thumbs up. I finish my performance and the crowd cheers. Ellen comes up to me and asks how I'm doing and different stuff like that. She gives me a hug and I head back home with Meghan.

Author Note: I hope this is good. I might take it down and edit it and repost it. Right now I am currently sick and my nose is stuffy. I blame it for my bad ideas and writing. I am also around 180 views! Thank you so much! Make sure to comment, like, and share!

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