80. Ultrasound

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Charlie's POV:
The most exciting day so far has come. I have been reading up A LOT on pregnancies and giving birth and other stuff like that so when the time comes, I will be ready for Meghan. I also read that most women get an ultrasound at three weeks and since Meghan is about five to six weeks pregnant, me and her are going to go get an ultrasound. She seemed really nervous getting ready and didn't know what to wear or what to expect. I kindly calmed her down and helped her pick out a lose fitting outfit. She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek when I handed her the clothes and went to change. So far I have racked up 27 brownie points for miscellaneous things and some other stuff. She comes out a few minutes later and takes my hand into hers. We walk out of the hotel and get into an awaiting car. Yes, there were paparazzi and yes, I had a hoodie and garb on. As soon as we left the hotel, I took it off.

"Charlie...." Meghan whines.

"Meghan...." I mock. She rolls her eyes and then she puts her head in my lap.

"I'm tired...." She says and closes her eyes. I play with her hair for awhile and then get on my phone. I start looking up pregnancy symptoms and other miscellaneous things. When we arrive at the clinic I wake Meghan up, and help her out of the car. We walk into the building and I am surprised not so see a lot of people there for a Friday afternoon. I go sign Meghan in under her alias, Kelly Jones and sit with her. A few minutes later we are called back and lead to a room with a huge machine and a small television screen next to it. The nurse instructs Meghan to lay down and she takes her vitals. After she is finished, I move my chair to over where she is laying. I grab her hand and light massage it.

"This will be us in a few months except I will probably be screaming in pain." She says quietly. I laugh and get up from my chair and kiss her on her cheek.

"I love you." I say.

"I love you too." She says smiling. We wait a few more minutes and then a doctor comes in.

"Hello I am Dr. Coleman, I will be performing the ultrasound today." She says happily. She shakes Meghan's hand and then looks at me.

"And you are?" She asks.

"Nicky Jones, husband." I say using my alias. She smiles and shakes my hand too.

"Now Kelly, may I lift your shirt up?" She asks. Meghan nods and the doctor lifts her shirt up past her belly button. She also pulls her pants down a little bit.

"Okay now I am going to apply this gel, everyone says it feel cold at first." She says. Meghan nods and flinches when the gel hits her stomach. The doctor grabs an object that looks like a barcode scanner and holds it up. She lightly puts it on Meghan's stomach and moves it around. She looks at the monitor and then at Meghan.

"Looks like a healthy baby so far, heart is beating which is good...." She says.

"Okay, almost done Kelly, you are doing great. I am going to take some pictures now, okay?" She asks. Meghan nods and I hear clicking noises as if it was a camera. The photos come out and she hands them to me. I look at them in awe as the doctor cleans Meghan's stomach.

 I look at them in awe as the doctor cleans Meghan's stomach

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There is our baby. I smile widely and Meghan sits up. I get off of my chair and sit down on the edge of her bed. I hand her the photos and she smiles.

"There's our little bean!" She says laughing. I giggle and she leans into me. I kiss her and smile,

"Our little bean..." I say quietly.

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