70. The Life of a Singer

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Charlie's POV:
I start hearing the annoying ringtone of my phone in my dream but can't ignore it. I unplug my phone hastily with my eyes still closed and answer,


"Charlie where the hell are you? You have to be here for soundcheck in DC!" Jonathan yells. I then remember I didn't tell Jonathan or my manager about anything, especially my whereabouts. I was thinking they wouldn't let me get married because of my stupid contract.

"I-I... Over slept! Yeah, I over slept. I am in LA and will be there on time tomorrow!" I say and hang up, not wanting to continue this conversation. That explains the annoying ringtone I have. Annoying person sh***y ringtone. I plug my phone back in and turn around in the bed and wrap my arms around Meghan. She is not going to like cutting our honeymoon short. But, this is the life of a singer. Especially, if it is pre-planned. I kiss Meghan's cheek and whisper into her ear,

"Meg, you gotta get up, we have to pack...." She shakes her head, no.

"Come on sleepy head...." I say quietly.

"Charlieeeee, it's like 2 AM and you made me stay up way too late last night for this." She whines. I laugh a little and check the time.

"It's actually 1 AM and we need to pack." I reply.

"Even worse, and why do we have to pack? We just got here..." She whines again. She tries pulling the covers over her head but I stop it and lay it down where it was.

"It's...complicated. I will explain later..." I say quietly.

"Ugh..." She says and sits up. She grabs the blanket and wraps it around her.

"We didn't even unpack yet. The bags are in the corner, and you can take it to the front room. I am going to take a shower." She says and walks into the bathroom. I decide to pick on her and save water. I move the bags, removing an outfit I think she would love and one for me too, and head into the large bathroom. The shower is pretty small but perfect for us. I hear her singing and sneak in. She doesn't notice at first, until I wrap my arms around her.

"Charles Otto Puth, do I need to call your mother and tell her how naughty you've been?" She says, continuing to wash her hair. I laugh and kiss her.

"Just trying to save water, love." I say and kiss her cheek. We both finish up with not that much steamy action and head out to get dressed. She grabs the black pants and slips them on smiling.

"Thank you for getting me clothes..." She says and slips her t-shirt on.

"....and thank you for giving me one of your shirts." She smiles again. I nod and finish buttoning up my shirt leaving the three top ones open. We head out to the awaiting boat and head to the other side of the shore.

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