23. Seeing Red

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Meghan's POV:
I sit in the tall, black velvet, chair and check Instagram for the millionth time while getting my hair done. My stylist picks up my head but I instantly drop it back down. I scroll through Charlie's Instagram and see he, or his stupid managers, have deleted our photos off his Instagram. They are replaced with his tour, selfies, and Hailee. Hailee is a good friend of mine and even asked if it was okay if she dated Charlie. I want the best and nothing but it, for him and agreed, as it wasn't really my decision. I turn my phone off, set it on my lap. and try to relax. "New Album. New you, Meghan." I repeat over and over. It seems like, wait, it was last month when we were still together. We were so in love, what happened? I remember the import things that happened while others are still a little fuzzy. I remember us coming home from Ellen and making love. And then he left. He wrote a freaking note and placed it on my nightstand, tearing my heart into two with his words.

"Meghan. I love you but I can't keep doing this. Trying to hid our love isn't working. I know you can't help this and would change if you could, but I guess we will always be just friends and..."

He stopped it there. I will probably never know what he wanted to say. I remember waking up a little to Charlie kissing my head and whispering,

"Go back to sleep Princess"

And I did. My stupid little self did. I should have questioned why he was dressed. I should of questioned why he was on that side of me. But I didn't. And now on the day after Valentine's Day I am all alone. I shouldn't be heartbroken because it has happened so many times before, but I am. This whole stupid relationship thing was his stupid idea. Just forget about it, Meghan. You are strong, confident and beautiful. You are getting your hair cut and colored and will be a totally different person. My stylist finishes and I snap out of it. They take off the coat thing and I stand up. I turn around and refrain from crying. I loved my blonde hair. But just like Charlie, it's gone now. I take a selfie and post it on Instagram. It instantly goes viral and on every. single. social media platform. My Megatronz are on it today! They start commenting and liking and sharing and I click out of Instagram. I leave the tall, warm, building and head home with Jordon.

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