62. Planning

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Meghan's POV:
I finally hear the soft noise of my alarm playing One Call Away. After turning it off, I hear Charlie snoring peacefully next to me. I laugh and sit up. I stretch my arms, excited for the day ahead. Today Charlie and I get to plan our wedding. We wanted it to be as soon as possible because of our crazy schedules and tours, but I could wait forever. Actually, that's a lie. I want to marry him so he will be my Charlie and not some other girl's. I shake Charlie lightly but he doesn't wake up. I kiss him, nothing. I finally crawl over to him and sit on his lap. I kiss down jawline and neck and run my hands over his bare chest. Suddenly I am tossed over and Charlie hovers over me. I giggle a little and Charlie brushes his lips against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him close to my lips but just enough they aren't touching.

"We get to plan our wedding today!" I squeal.

"I know and I'm excited. But I am more excited to marry the woman of my dreams." He says and comes closer. I turn my head and he gasps in shock.

"I thought we made up." He whines.

"We did but not right now lover boy." I giggle. He gives me an exaggerated frown and gets off of me. I put my hand in the air for him to help me get up and he pulls it. I get off the bed but then he takes me into his arms and we dance around the room. He spins me around and we continue dancing around my bed. Charlie finally dips me and we both fall over laughing. I get up off of him and walk into my walk-in closet. I slip on a cute, navy blue, lace dress and tan heels. I grab a tan clutch too and walk out of the closet. Charlie has most of his clothes in there too so he heads in. He comes out a few minutes later with tan shorts, a navy blue button up, and loafers. He takes my hand and we head downstairs. We are going to do cake tasting, location, and decorations first, and then he is going with his friends to get a tux, and I am going with my girls to get a dress. We head out the door and into Charlie's car.

Charlie's POV:
I get into the driver's seat and start up my car. I start driving down the road and occasionally look over at my beautiful fiancé. She smiles when she sees me and goes back to texting. We pull up to the bakery and head in. We are greeted by the shop's owner, Maria, and her husband, Phillip. They lead us into a huge room with pictures of cakes and people cutting cakes at their weddings. We sit down in beige, fluffy chairs in front of a glass table. Phillip gets us some water and Maria leaves. She comes back a few minutes later with a plate of multiple cake slices and a plate of icing in little cups. Meghan turns to me.

"You hate yellow and chocolate, right?"

"Yes, and you don't like it either." I say. We both dig into the vanilla cake. We look at each other with cake still in our mouths and agree that  this is the cake. Meghan takes a sip of water and moves the icing into the middle of us. We go through every. single. flavor. And did I mention there were about 50 flavors? Finally, Meghan and I decide to do a vanilla cake filled with strawberries and and cream and topped with cream, strawberries, and kiwi.

 And did I mention there were about 50 flavors? Finally, Meghan and I decide to do a vanilla cake filled with strawberries and and cream and topped with cream, strawberries, and kiwi

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