60. Dance Like Yo Daddy

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Meghan's POV:
"You want me to what at our wedding?!" Charlie exclaims slightly choking on his lunch.

"Dance Like Yo Daddy!" I sing.

"Nah to the ah to the no, no, no. I cannot dance."

"Hey don't use my song lyrics against me, only I can!" I laugh.

"I can't dance Meghan." Charlie whines and then actually sips some of his red wine.

"It's okay, I am going to sign us both up for a private dance class so we can dance at our wedding." I say eating some more of my salad.

"Do we have to?" He asks still eating his too.

"I would like to and we are both performers..." I say. Cha-Ching, I got him there. We are currently in Australia for the Untouchable Tour and having a light lunch before I go to Twitter AU for a Q&A with my fans.

"Fine, as long as I get to help plan the wedding."

"Deal!" I exclaim.

"Good because I hate when guys let the bride do it all and then they say it was terrible."

"That's why I love you. You aren't like any other guy in the world."

"And I love you, well, that would take an eternity to say why except for you are beautiful, kind, and perfect to me." He says taking my hand. He stands up a little and I meet him halfway and we kiss. He sits back down and still holds my hand. He starts examining my ring.

"Now I know what my mom means, I should of got a bigger diamond." He says sadly.

"Char, I love it."

"Okay but I have a special ring for our wedding already picked out." He says excitedly.

"As do I." I say equally excited. We finish up our lunch and head back over to the hotel. I start calling dance places around LA for private classes while Charlie is looking up something else.

Charlie's POV:
I was looking some top secret wedding planning stuff up when Michy walks into the room.

"Michy!" Meghan exclaims and hugs her.

"Hey, what about knocking? We could of been naked you know." I say sarcastically. I always gave her a hard time on tour and I always will.

"Well I doubt Meghan would forgive you that fast, lover boy." She says and rolls her eyes.

"Anyway... What are you doing in here?" Meghan intervenes.

"Well a little birdy told me you wanted to get dance lessons for your wedding." Michy says.

"Yes but nobody has private classrooms for celebs."

"I could teach you guys for free....."

"Really?!" Meghan asks excitedly.

"Yes, you gave me a job so the least I can do is teach you how to dance!" Michy says. Meghan then gets off the bed and Michy pulls us together and set our hands up.

"Wait right now?" I ask.

"Yes and then you can practice wherever you go." She says and pushes me closer to Meghan.

"Okay Meghan, follow me." They start with the feet movement and then she helps me with my foot movement. After a half an hour or so we are dancing like pros.

"That was so good!" Michy yells.

"Thanks to you!" Meghan says and hugs her.

"Yup, see you in an hour for sound check!" She says and walks out. I twirl Meghan around and then dip her. She laughs and stands up. She walks back over to the bed again and takes off her heels.

"Simon says go touch your nose, Meghan says touch your toes, But like, I still can't touch my toes..." Meghan sings sarcastically and rubs her feet. I go over to the bed and sit down on the edge and rub her feet for her.

"Char your too nice." She says and relaxes.

"Well you do have a an interview and concert soon and I want to earn some brownie points....." I say and she slaps my arm lightly.


Author Note: Hey everyone! What do you think about this chapter? Let me know! Make sure to comment, like, and share!

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