21. New Year's Eve

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Author's Note: This is probably going to be one of my longest chapters so be warned. There is probably some PG 13 stuff, but lets face it, we all read or see that sometimes. But it abruptly stops and starts again. Comment if you get it at the end! 😉 And can we pretend that Meghan performed in NY instead? Cool. One more thing, enjoy!

Charlie's POV:
Meghan is running around her bedroom making sure she packed everything she needs for the New Year's Rockin' Eve performance. We are going to spend 3 days in New York just sightseeing and having a mini vacation. I'm sitting on her bed and peak in every now and then to tell her if she has it in her bag or not. She finally finishes her mental list and plops down on the bed. I scot over and hold her in my arms and kiss her for the millionth time today. Her phone beeps and she sits up and checks it.

"Holy crap, we are going to be late for the flight!" She zips up her suitcase and reaches for her sunglasses and slippers but I just hold on to her stomach.

"Wait, lets just lay here for a few more minutes together." I complain. She rolls her eyes and stands up.

"As good as that sounds, we have to be in New York for the performances...." I give her an exaggerated frown and she laughs.

"Maybe after the performance we can have some fun in our hotel." She says and winks.

"Like have a pillow fight and run down the hallways!" I exclaim. She laughs and before you say I'm stupid, I know what she really means. I hop off the bed and grab our bags and head downstairs.

Meghan's POV:
Charlie takes the bags and I follow him down our long staircase. He insisted on carrying all the bags himself. When we reach the living room, Ryan motions for us to be silent, as he is on the phone. Charlie plops down on the couch and pulls out his iPhone. He gives a lot of "Ehm" (A/N: I don't know how it spell it but its where you kinda like grunt in approval) to the person on the other side and hangs up.

"Well, I scheduled the rooms 3 weeks ago and today I call to check on it and they gave our rooms away. So after all the inconvenience, they gave us their best rooms. One for Jordan and I, and one for you guys. They are right across the hall from each other and look over New York City." I start jumping like a little kid and we head out to the car. We go to the airport and through security easily. Ryan loads the bags up and Charlie and I pull on black sweaters. We always get swarmed with fans and paparazzi at the airport. And even though its awesome to meet them we don't want to go too public. Ryan gets into the car and I pull up Snapchat on my phone. Charlie gets into my photo and I do different filters on him and we both start cracking up. We take a cute picture and I save it and set it as my lock screen. We pull up and find JOJO waiting outside. We all go through security and Ryan and JOJO leave for a few minutes. We wait in a lounge for our plane to be called and I start to get bored. I take Charlie's hand and lead him to a small gift shop. I grab some magazines, snacks, and medicine for the flight. Charlie hates flying so I give him two pills and he sleeps through it. He grabs some gum and 2 Mountain Dew's for us and I meet him at the cash register. We check out and go sit back down. Ryan comes over with JOJO in hand and sits down next to us. Half an hour later, our flight is called and we board our plane. I give Charlie the tablets and he starts getting drowsy. 15 minutes after take-off he is completely out of it. About six hours later, we land in New York. I wake Charlie up and we walk out and my eyes brighten. New York is so cool. Ryan calls a cab over and insists we take one. But he looks in and calls another cab over. Ryan and Jordon take one and Charlie and I take the other. Charlie opens the door and I scoot to the other side and he gets in the next to me and closes the door. The cab speeds away and Charlie and I sit back and buckle our seat belts. After a while, Charlie puts his hand on my thigh. He continually moves his hand higher. I give him a glare for him to stop and he smirks. The cab abruptly stops and we are push forward. We are stuck in the worst traffic jam I have ever seen. Charlie puts his hand all the way up my skirt again and it takes all the strength I have to not do anything. He starts to move his hand higher but the cab speeds up and pushes us both forward. After speeding up, slowing down, and speeding up again, we arrive at our hotel and check in. We head upstairs to find our makeup artists already there. They make Charlie leave and start glamming me up. They straighten my hair and apply a full face of makeup but still make it look simple. Allison brings in my dress and I pray that its not pastel. She open it up and it gorgeous. Diamond studded bodice with a black skirt and jacket. Charlie knocks on the door and I rush to hide behind it.

Charlie's POV:
I knock on the door and just open it instead of waiting for a response. I look around and can't find Meghan anywhere. I walk forward a little. And she comes up behind me and scares the living sh*t out of me. She laughs and I just stand there trying to catch my breath. I start running after her and she runs around the room acting like a small child. I finally catch her and start ticking her and she falls on the bed. She continues laughing and begs me to stop.

"One kiss!" I yell. She nods her head and I start kissing her. I stand up and help her off the bed. And she punches my arm lightly. She leaves the room and I get dressed into my black pants, white blouse, and suit jacket. They gel up my hair and push it back making it look sleek. Then I realize it. This is my first time on stage for New Year's and I get to perform with Wiz. The makeup artists leave and Meghan joins me on the couch. We just relax for the first time in a few hours. She has her phone out and is texting someone. I go on Twitter and realize there are thousands of tweets about an article. I open one up and start freaking out.

"Meg-Meghan?" I crook. She turns her head towards me and gives me a worried look.


"Have you seen this?" I show her my phone and she freaks out. There's a photo of us holding hands in the airport and paragraphs of us getting on together, getting off, going in a cab, and even the cab driver's account. She texts Ryan and doesn't get an answer. A few minutes later he bursts through the door.

"Meghan send out a tweet about being nice and offering for him to fly with you."

"Charlie send out one too but about being a gentleman and something like that." Meghan just freezes while writing a tweet. She looks over at me and speaks,

"This is getting too complicated. We have to always watch what we do in public. Can't we just let everyone know?" I look towards Ryan and he shrugs.

"If it makes you happy, Meg." I say and squeeze her hand. Then she continues her tweet but this time, it says,

"I love @charlieputh." I open Twitter and write one too.

"I love @meghan_trainor and proud to call her my girlfriend." Our Twitters start blowing up and most of them are good and others not so much. We head down to rehearsals hand in hand and go out the lobby doors. We are swarmed with paparazzi but we don't care, we just continue walking.

Charlie's POV:
I just performed with Wiz and still have an adrenalin rush. We join Ryan Seacrest and Wiz starts cussing on live television, the producers stand there stunned and I start cracking up. Ryan starts counting down and I pull Meghan up on stage. At first she shakes her head but I finally convince her. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1-
We walk on stage just as the ball drops and I grab Meghan's hips and kiss her. The crowd goes wild and I start 2016 off right.

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