54. Germany

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Author Note: Longish chapter. ;)

Charlie's POV:
I wake up to my mom shaking me.

"Charles, get up, get up!" She yells.

"Mom, whyyyy...." I whine and flip the covers over my head again.

"We have to travel to LA and then Germany today."

"But Meghan isn't leaving until tomorrow."

"By the time we get there, it will be tomorrow."

"Ugh." Even though I am stoked to see Meghan, I hate flying. I played my last show last night and now I have a break. Finally. I head over to my closet and pull out multiple jeans, t-shirts, and flannels. I used to never wear them but I overheard Meghan say she likes guys who wear flannels so the next day I drove to a store and I bought 2 of every flannel they had. I ended up paying around $590 but it was worth seeing her wear them in the morning after a beautiful night of Marvin Gaye-ing. I also pack a nice suit and some hair gel and deodorant. I finish packing and my mom and I head out to the airport.

Meghan's POV:
I grab my blanket and lay on the couch. Charlie should be arriving in an hour or less and I am stoked to not only go to Germany with him, but Paris too. I grab Bigz off the floor and watch Netflix. After awhile I start closing my eyes, more, and more, and more. Until they are completely closed.

Charlie's POV:
I finally get off the plane and grab my mom's hand and drag her through the airport. I already had our chauffeur pick up our bags and meet him downstairs. We get in and drive to Meghan's house.

Meghan's POV:
I hear Biggie barking and jump off the couch and run to the door. Charlie must be here! I open the door up and instantly get depressed.

"What do you want Ben?"

"Hello to you too. Listen, I'm really sorry the way I acted yesterday. It was uncalled for. Forgive me?"

"Okay." I smile, he is really a "nice" friend. He opens his arms for a hug and I hug him.

Charlie's POV:
We pull up to Meghan's house but there is this dude hugging her. I run out of the car, ignoring my mom, and up to Meghan. She smiles when she sees me and pushes the guy out of the way. She runs into my arms, jumps, and wraps her legs around my waist and arms around my neck. Before I say anything her lips are pressed against mine. I look over at the guy and he looks kinda hurt. I look back at Meghan and she is looking at me.

"He's a postboy. Stuff happened and he came to say sorry and I hugged him to say goodbye." I watch her mouth form every word. I kiss her again and she smiles. I then realize my mom is behind me. We both blush madly and Meghan gets off of me.

"I'm glad you two are so in love." She says and walks towards the door. Ryan comes out with some bags and volunteers to take ours to the car too. She sets them on top of the other suitcase and he clumsily takes it to the car. We head inside and greeted by Justin.

"Hey bro, you comin' with?" I ask and give the friendly "bro handshake-hug."

"Nah, I'm going to spend the weekend with Michelle."

"And Michelle is...?"

"My girlfriend."

"Nice!" I say and he walks away. We all get into Ryan's car and head to the airport again.

In Germany:
Meghan's POV:
We finally land in Germany and get into a car waiting on the airstrip. Everyone puts on wigs, and some put on facial hair, hats, jewelry, etc. So we don't get noticed. We zoom to our hotel and check in. I grab one of the room keys and we leave Ryan, Jordon, and Deb to carry the bags. I know it's kinda mean but we wanted to be alone for a few minutes.
We get into the elevator with some other guests and click on the top floor. Nobody can recognize us and its the best feeling in the world right now. We barge into our room kissing. I push Charlie's chest lightly and he whines,

"What is itttt?"

"I want to take off all this garb." I say and take off my brunette wig.

"Meg, you can look schmexy in any color hair, blonde, red, brunette, anything!"

"Thanks..." I say blushing madly.

"Hear, let me get the eyebrow makeup off, your scar is cute." I say and wipe it off of him. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer.

"I want you now." He says. I nod and I don't have to tall you what happens next....

Author Note: Finished! What do you think? Let me know! Make sure to comment, like, and share!

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