52. Rock in Rio

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Meghan's POV:
Ryan finally comes home with JOJO in hand. I was in a light sleep and the sound of the doorknob woke me up. They walk into the house and sit down on the couch. We start watching a show and it seems like everything is normal. But it is most certainly not. I start crying and Jordon comes over to me and rubs my back.

"Meg, what's wrong?"

"A lot of things JOJO." I snap at her. She backs up a little and looks scared.

"I'm sorry JO, it's just I burnt popcorn and dropped my glass and it it broke and I got a piece stuck in my foot and Biggie ran away and the postboy got her and... and..." I start crying again.

"Oh Meg, it's not that bad. Why did you drop your glass?" She asks.

"It fell on accident." I lie. She gives me a questioning look and helps me upstairs and tells Ryan to clean up my mess. I get in my room and sit on my bed.

"Okay now what really happened?" She asks.

"I told you what happened."

"No, you told the "Ryan story" now tell me the real one."

"I was popping popcorn and I was on my phone and I saw Charlie kissing another girl and then I ended up kissing the postboy..."

"Oh sweetie..." She says and wraps her arms around me.

"Me and Charlie have a f**ked up relationship..."

"But you love each other and that's what matters." She smiles.

"I don't know any more Jo, he is always with someone else."

"Do you still love him?" She asks.


"Then there's your answer."

"But when Ben kissed me, it was different. Maybe me and Charlie are just friends with benefits."

"Well, you need to talk to him."

"I will."

"Sooner the better Meg!"

"Okay, okay. But he should be performing in Rio today, I am going to watch the broadcast..." I say and grab my computer.

"Okay, if it's what you want." She says and leaves the room. I open it up and type in "livexlive.com" The Rock in Rio is a featured event and I immediately see it. Charlie is on next so I decide to text him.

"Who is that?"
Attachment: Photo

Surprisingly, he writes back instantly.

"A fan/ flight attendant"

"Why is she kissing youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?"

"Because she wanted to take a selfie and then turned around and kissed meeeeeeeeeeee"

I love when he mocks me.

"Baby, I love you, and only you."

"I love you too Char. But how can I trust you?"

"Because I want you to spend the weekend with my mom, like we talked about."

"Okay, but..."

"But? You are coming to NJ, right?"

"I have to fly to Germany the same day ☹️"


"It's okay..."

"I wanted you to hang out with my mom."

"We will talk about this after Meg, I have to go on"

I watch them introduce him and he sings his heart out. He ends his show and walks forward with his band. He dabs and runs off stage. He looks so cute. I shut my computer and call him on his cell phone. 😉



"Why are you calling?"

"You said you wanted to talk after your show."

"Well, like 10 minutes or so, I'm kinda out of breath."

"Sorry." I say meekly.

"No it's fine."

"I got really jealous when I saw that photo Charlie."

"Oh Meg, how could I ever cheat on you? You are beautiful than anything I have ever or will see, except maybe, our future child. And you are smarter than anyone and can make anyone feel important. Why would I let you go?"

"Because you have done it before..."

"I was stupid and didn't realize our true love for each other."

I smile,


"Listen, I really want you to hang out with my mom."

"I know but I can't unless I fly you and her to Germany with me."



"You will fly my mom and I to Germany with you."

"Okay, uh, I guess I could?"

"Perfect! Talk to you later!"

Author Note: Ta-Da! Sorry I haven't updated in so long but I am kid sitting and haven't had time to sit and write and usually chapters take an hour or so to write.

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