38. Hotel Water Fights

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Author Note: Some explicit content! I wanted to show how much Meghan missed Charlie!

Meghan's POV:
I get a text from Jonathan that they just passed through security and will be right up. I run around and make sure everything is perfect. I flew in late last night to be here with Charlie. The microwave beeps indicating the Lean Cuisines, sesame chicken is done. I also get out some wine and glasses. I hear someone fondling with the door and hid in the shower.

Charlie's POV:
I head upstairs after a long show today. I can't complain though, the energy was awesome. I watch everyone start walking to their own rooms and open my hotel door. I throw my jacket down on the chair and go over to my bed. Somebody, I'm guessing Jonathan called a maid, set out my favorite food and some wine. I will eat it after I shower. I go into the bathroom and turn the lights on. I turn the water on and hear a scream.


"Meghan?" I ask and move the shower curtain. She stands there with her hair and clothes wet and mascara running.

"You literally gave me a heart attack, why did you come all the way to London to use my shower?" She slaps me lightly on the arm and I grab her a towel. While she dries off I get into the shower. Soon I feel arms wrap around my waist.

"Meghan!" I yell.

"Sorry, I missed you." She whines.

"Well, will you wait until I am out of the shower?" I ask.

"No." She says plainly.

"Fine." I roll my eyes. I finish washing up and I splash Meghan with some water. She laughs and splashes some on me. Soon we are having a full blown water fight in the bathroom. Water goes everywhere. I would hate to be the maid. She tries splashing me but I grab her hips, bring her to me, and kiss her.

"I missed you so much princess." I whisper. She smiles and splashes me again. We finally get out of the shower and dry off.

"S**t!" Meghan yells.

"What's up?"

"Those clothes were the only ones I had!" She whines.

"Here, you can borrow one of my shirts." I say and throw it at her. I pull on shorts and forget about a top. Meghan comes over in my oversized shirt and looks schmexy. Her hair is still wet and hanging loosely at her shoulders, her makeup is completely gone, and she still looks beautiful. She smiles and we sit down on the bed and eat Lean Cuisines. We finish and I just hold her in my arms. She slowly falls asleep and her breathing turns even. I too, fall asleep happily.

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