33. Déjà Vu

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Meghan's POV:
"Ryan! Give me back my phone!" I scream at him while getting up off the floor he pushed me down on.

"No, Meghan! Charlie is not "the one" he wouldn't have been there for you if you actually got prego!" He screams back.

"But we buy Ragu?" I say sternly. Ryan starts laughing and I grab my phone and run to the bathroom. I knew what he meant but I also knew he would laugh at my remark and I could get my phone back. I open up iMessage and write Charlie,

"I need you"

Charlie's POV:
I get Meghan's message and spring up off of my couch and grab my car keys. I drive over to the set and get out. I run around asking for Meghan but everyone ignores me or doesn't know. I finally see Ryan banging on a door and realize Meghan is in there. I run up next to him and start banging on the door too. Ryan looks over at me and gives me an evil glare.

"I told you to never talk to her again!" He shouts and I black out.

Meghan's POV:
Charlie finally woke up. I give him a bag of ice for his jaw and wait for him to speak.

"Wha-What happened?" He asks frantically.

"Well, what's the last thing you remember?" He thinks for a moment.

"I- I remember banging on your door and then blacking out." He replies.

"Well, Ryan yelled at you and hit you, knocking you out." He laughs a little.

"What?" I ask.

"Déjà Vu." He says and laughs.

"OMG this is just like when we started dating!" I laugh.

"That was 2 years ago." He says.

"Listen Meg, we have had a lot of ups and downs those two years, more than any couple could handle. I kept leaving and leaving you and you still stayed with me. You would lighten up my day with a single word. I loved making you blueberry pancakes and you sitting there eating them like you haven't seen food in months. I loved kissing you just for the heck of it. I loved being by your side when you were sad, happy, exhausted, etc. Point is Meg, I am so sorry. Please don't get an abortion. I feel like this child will only bring us closer. I fell like making new experiences with you and I promise I will always be there for you. I am so sorry that I left you in the rain, it was too much for me. I couldn't think straight. I hurt the person I loved the most, you are the one I love the most. I even remembered when you told me when we were on tour you didn't want kids until you were 40. And for me to get you pregnant, I am so sorry. You deserve better but I love you. And I know I have left so may times before but Meg, your my drug and I can't get you out of my head. I need you more than you need me. I lay awake a night and worry you will start seeing my flaws and never love me the same. Everytime we have sex I dream about our little family. I need you Meghan and I love you. And..." He continues but I stop him and put my lips against his.

"Char," I start.

He cuts me off, "Meg."

"I'm not pregnant." I say. He smiles,

"That's good." He says quietly and we kiss.

Author Note: Hey everyone! I hope you are enjoying these! Thank you so much for about 470 reads! I hope you liked that long paragraph that Charlie said to Meghan, I wanted to make it really heartfelt! Make sure to comment, like, and share!

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