31. Mother Flo is M.I.A.

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Meghan's POV:
I wake up to an empty spot next to me. Before we fell asleep last night, Charlie told me he has to go to the studio so he must of already left. I get out of bed and instantly get hit with nausea. I stumble downstairs and head into the kitchen. I start to make blueberry pancakes. I pour some of the dough into the pan and the smell hits me. Instead of sweet goodness it makes me want to throw up. I run into the bathroom and start throwing up and dry heaving. Ryan asks where I am and with no answer, runs downstairs. He helps me up and sets me down on the couch. He turns off the stove and comes back to the couch. He starts to play doctor.


"Nausea and barfing." I reply.

"Fever? Cough? Cold Sweats?"

"No, slight, and no." I reply. He pauses for a moment.

"Where is Charlie?"

"At the studio, why?" I ask worried.

"Meg, when is the last time you had your period." Ryan says slowly.

"Ryan, I cannot be pregnant." I start crying. Ryan calls JOJO to have her pick up a pregnancy test up from the store. While she is on the way Ryan yells at me about using protection and how I should only have sex when I want to settle down. Finally, Jordon knocks on the door. I stand up, still shaky, and go upstairs with her. She waits on my bed while I take the test. I set it on the bathroom sink and sit on the bed next to her.

"Whatever it shows, Charlie will always love you." She says quietly rubbing my back. After awhile I head back into the bathroom and pick it up. I show JOJO and she immediately calls Charlie.

"Hey Charlie, Meghan needs to talk to you, it's an emergency."

A few minutes later Charlie runs into the house and up the steps. He bursts into my room and sits down on the floor beneath me.

"Meg, what's wrong?" He asks and lifts my chin. I try talking but nothing comes out. I start crying again and he hugs me. He looks over at Jordon and he stands up. JOJO shows him the stick and on the screen there is a little "+". We all go downstairs and to my doctor to make sure. Charlie doesn't talk to me at all and it really worries me. We get into the car and Charlie and I sit in the back while Ryan and Jordon sit upfront. The whole ride there he looks out the window in silence. When we arrive, Charlie and I get out while Ryan and Jordon find a parking space. I give blood, more urine, and they even swab my throat to make sure it isn't a cold. While they run the results, Charlie and I walk on the sidewalk outside. The clouds are getting darker and darker but we continue walking.

"Charlie, baby, please talk to me." I whisper. We stop on the sidewalk we were walking on and look at each other. It starts to rain a little but we don't care.

"Meghan, I- I can't do this. I am only 24 years old! I still have a tour, fame, and a whole other bunch of other stuff I want to do before I settle down and have a family! I don't want to have a child right now. I can't believe that I was so stupid to do this!" He yells.

"Charlie, its okay, we will get through this together." I grab his hand to try to soothe him. He snatches his hand away,

"NO, Meghan. We won't because we are too young to have a child. I am not ready to be a dad. I'm sorry but I can't." He yells and walks away.

"Charlie wait!" I yell but my voice gets lost in the wind and the rain that is now falling hard. I start crying and sit down on the sidewalk.

"Charlie... wait..." I cry out. But he never stops he keeps on walking and walking and doesn't turn around. He left me when I needed him most. And the worst part of all of this is that there isn't a baby. Just a bad test stick and the flu.

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