8. Practice

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Meghan's POV:
I sit back down on the stage and wait for my turn. Charlie has forgiven Ryan and continued on. As for me, I started talking to him again. Charlie and I are rehearsing for the AMA's tonight and we have a big surprise for our fans. Since we are singing Marvin Gaye we decided to get it on. But not exactly like that. We are just going to kiss. Charlie is rehearing first while I sit behind the curtain on my phone. Jordon is the only one that knows Charlie and I are dating. Even Ryan thinks it was a one time thing. JOJO sends me another text,

"You can't be serious, what about management?"

Oh no. I forgot that they wanted to keep this a secret. Just as I respond the curtains open up and I jump up from the ground and start singing. Charlie smiles and near the end of the song I motion for him, and we kiss. He even grabs my butt and I back into him a little more. Everyone that was working stands still and doesn't know what to do. We smile a little and then my manager comes in and starts clapping really slowly.

"This. Is. Great!" He says. "Perfect visual for the song! Fans are going to go crazy." Charlie has my hand in his and starts squeezing it.

"What if Meghan and I start dating?" Charlie asks.

"Oh you can't do that, thats too much." He says, and before I can speak he gets a phone call and leaves. For the rest of our practice session Charlie and I sit on the floor and I snuggle up next to him. They are trying to figure out placement, lighting, and other stuff like that. He bends down and I feel his hot breath against my ear.

"I think we need more practice.... Kissing." He smirks and I roll my eyes.

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