24. Grammy Awards

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Author Note: Another long chapter for you :)

Meghan's POV:
When I arrived home with Jordon, I instantly knew something was different. There was a new car in the driveway for one thing. It was blue, most likely on the newer end like 2015, and a Dodge Viper. Ryan had been looking at it for months, bugging me about buying it. At the time I didn't know what different car names were but he insisted on bringing it up in every conversation. And now it was here in my driveway. I walk in and hear voices coming from my kitchen. I walk around the corner and see a pack of beer on the granite counter. Around it, Justin, Ryan, and Charlie talking and laughing. They continue talking oblivious to us. Jordon instantly takes my hand and leads me upstairs.

"Wait! Charlie's here?" I ask.

"Yes and you need to get ready for the Grammy Awards! Charlie can wait, he is probably not going to leave until he talks to you anyway!" She leads me into my bedroom where my crew is already getting set up. They apply makeup, curl my hair, and help me into my dress. I anxiously wait until they make sure they are absolutely finished. They are still deciding if they are going to paint my nails or add different jewelry when I zone them out. I was never really a "girly girl" and didn't want to do stuff like that. I check my phone and realize I have multiple missed text messages and have been getting ready for over two hours. I look at the sender and realize it's Charlie.

"Red hair?!?!?!"

"Yes, don't you like it? 🤔"

"I liked your blonde hair. Why did you dye it?"

"It's complicated...."

"Why did you leave?" I ask starting to tear up.

"It's complicated...."

I roll my eyes and after two minutes, without a reply, there is a knock at the door. I run over ignoring Jordon and everyone else and swing it open. He takes me into an embrace and I melt into him.

"You have a lot of explaining to do."

"I could say the same thing." He says softly. I sit him down on my bed and he tells me about how L.A. Reid told him to leave me alone and his manager took over all his social media accounts. He also says he has been seeing Hailee for her publicity and shw actually has a boyfriend that she wants to keep private and needs a diversion for the paparazzi. He finishes talking and I just sit there with my head down like a kid who got caught stealing candy. He never wanted to leave me, he was instructed and forced to do so. He looks over at me and picks my chin up.

"Its okay now, if Hailee can hide her relationship so can we." He smiles and I start telling him about my new album, songs and other stuff.

"Reid and I both felt like blonde hair didn't match with my new songs and I want to be more than just the "doo wop girl" everyone thinks I am."

"Meg, I think that's great!" He exclaims.

"When can I hear it?" He asks excitedly. I freeze for a moment. The album isn't coming out for a few more months and it's about family, friends, my fans, and him.

"When everyone else can." I say and smile slightly. He gives me an exaggerated frown and realize we haven't changed that much.

"What is with the car outside?" I ask.

"Makeup present for Ryan. Kinda like a bribe to let me see you." He smiles and I slap his arm lightly. I realize he has his suit on already and his hair slicked back.

"You are adorable. That's really nice of you but I would of made Ryan except it without a prize." But our relationship is made up of small intervals of seeing each other and soon we are forced to leave for the awards show.

During the show:

Charlie's POV:
I sit on the edge of my seat. My mom sits next to me and tries to calm me down. She knows that I have been on and off with Meghan and I even went to her for her advice. Sam comes out and starts talking but I can only hear bits and pieces. They show the nominees and I see Meghan sitting with her dad. She is on the edge of her seat too. He opens the envelope and reads it. The crowd goes wild and everyone starts clapping. Meghan cries into her dad and makes her way up the stage and starts crying from being so happy. I am so proud of her. She starts thanking people but can't finish from all the sobbing. She heads out and we finish the awards. I ended up not winning any but I don't care. I had a great time with my mom and I'm sure I will be back.

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