15. Crunch

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Meghan's POV:
This year I decided to spend the first part of the month with family in Nantucket and have a early Christmas and birthday and the have actual events in L.A. while preparing for my new album. We landed in Nantucket on December 2nd, Charlie's birthday. I gave the card to Hailee awhile ago and I am hoping he sees it so he knows I still care about him. My mom and dad and the rest of the family are waiting for Ryan, Justin, Biggie, and I at the airport and we head back to my parent's house.

Charlie's POV:
I drive up to Meghan's house and see that her car is missing. Usually, it is always there. I knock on the door and can't hear anything, not even Biggie. I get worried and knock some more. Then the door opens and Brian is there. He asks me what I want and I reply with Meghan. He realizes who I am and pushes me off the step and onto the concrete. He slams the door and closes the blinds nearby. I land on my elbow and hear a big crunch. I decide to call JOJO because I found out Meghan blocked me a long time ago. JOJO answers and almost hangs up but I tell her I am worried about Meghan and I also need a ride to the hospital. She finally confesses that Meghan went to Nantucket for the next 3 weeks and says she will be there in 5 minutes. I try to keep my arm as still as possible and when JOJO gets there she helps me up. I get into her passenger seat of the car and buckle my seat. She gets into the drivers seat and pulls out of the driveway. We get down the road and she tells me to not say a word and tells her car phone to call Meghan. It rings and rings and then Meghan's sweet voice answers.

"Hey JOJO! When are you coming? I can't wait, it's going to be so much fun!"

"Hey Meg! I am probable going to be late. Sorry! I will be there though! Its just something came up..." She says. I don't have to control myself from speaking, I need to control myself from screaming in pain. There is background noise and Meghan speaks again.

"Ya, its fine. Can I ask what happened?"

"It's not important to you." She says. That's the last straw and I start talking.

"Meghan, it's me." I say, I bite my lip from crying. There is more noise and then she talks quietly,

"Charlie, give the phone back to JOJO." I can't keep it in any longer and I start sobbing into my hand.

"Yes Meg?" JOJO asks.

"Don't let Charlie hear this but what happened to him? Is he okay? Do I need to come..."

"NO! Meg its fine! He is okay, just a little.... broken." She says. I stop crying and clear my throat.

"Meghan, I'm sor-" The line goes dead, she hung up.  JOJO is furious at me and she screams,


"She needs me?" I ask quietly.

"Yes Charlie. She needs you more than anything. She wanted to be here for you and with you on your birthday but Ryan convinced her to go to Nantucket. She needs to be away from Brian. She is so scared right now. Ryan and I are both scared we might walk into her room and find her dead. She needs to know that you care about her." JOJO turns into the hospital and we get my arm x-rayed, casted with gauze, and then we leave. JOJO takes me home to pack and we leave the next day.

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