29. Ellen

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Charlie's POV:
Meghan is in makeup getting ready while Ryan, Justin, and I are in the guest lounge. Ryan is on his computer editing different videos and photos and Justin is playing on his iPhone. I take a sip of the Ellen water and laugh a little that everything in this room has her name on it. Ellen TV, Ellen pillowcase, Ellen water. Ellen everything. My phone vibrates on my lap and I pick it up and check it. Selena texted me.


Wow, she really has a way with words. I reply the same thing and set my phone back down. A minute or two later it vibrates again. This time, Meghan texted me.

"What do you think?"


"Beautiful as always"

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"Beautiful as always"

I reply. She texts me back instantly.

"What did I do to deserve you 😘🙈"

I smile and go back to watching the other guests on the TV. They go to commercial and I decide to go to Meg's dressing room. I knock once and Meghan opens the door with a big grin.

"Charlie! I just texted you, why are you here?" She exclaims.

"Just to check on you." I smile. I grab her waist and bring her to me and kiss her. After awhile she breaks away,

"Charlie... babe. I got.... to get ready." She stumbles still kissing me lightly. I move over to the couch and she gives me a questioning look. I stand up again and make my way to the door. She kisses me on the cheek and shuts the door. I head back over to the guest lounge and see Ryan is talking on the phone. I sit back down and check Instagram. The buzz about our kiss has died down but there are still some posts here and there about it. I look up at the TV occasionally and watch tidbits of the show. They finally finish their last guest and introduce Meghan.

Meghan's POV:
I finally finish getting ready and head over to the stage. Ellen announces me but I won't be on until after the break. The break goes by quickly. The music starts playing and Ellen officially announces me. I start talking to Ellen about a whole bunch of stuff and she even gives me my long awaited Grammy. I also talk to her about my tour and perform "NØ" on stage.

Charlie's POV:
I turn over to Ryan,

"SHE'S GOING ON TOUR?!" I scream.

"Yes, and you are going on your own tour too." He says still editing a video. I slump into my chair and comb my hair with my hands. Then I realize, for at least a year, Meghan and I will be going our separate ways.

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