75. Lil Dicky

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Meghan's POV:
We finally make it to Kansas City after horrendous hours on the bus. Everyone gets excited as we pull up to the venue and starts packing their small carry ons or book bags. I step off the bus and helped down by one of my crew members. I smile and breathe deeply. Fresh air. We didn't have "any time to kill" as Ryan put it so we rode the whole way, nonstop. Jordon comes off next and we walk into the venue together. Even though the concert is tonight we decide against getting hotel rooms due to strenuous stage set up and sound check. Jordon and I head into my dressing room while Ryan and the crew get set up else where. We sit down and we each get on our phones. After a few long minutes my curiosity gets the best of me,

"Okay. I don't get it." I finally say.

"Don't get what?" Jordon says looking up from her phone.

"Why everyone is acting so weird around me."

"They aren't acting weird around you...."

"Yes they are JO! Ryan didn't give me champagne last night, you gave me pain pills and special treatment, and even one of the crew members helped me off the bus!"


"What?!" I say still agitated.

"Ryan and I think you are pregnant." She says quietly. The wave hits me. I didn't think about it until now. How could I be so blind? The morning sickness, the mood swings, etc. I start panicking and Jordon stands up and hugs me.

"Shhhhhhh.... It's okay..." She says quietly rubbing circles on my back. I continue sobbing into her shoulder and shaking me head.

"Ch-Charlie didn't u-use protection. I-I'm so stu-stupid...." I cry out, lifting my head from her shoulder.

"Meg, it isn't for sure yet. We just wanted to be careful..." She says pushing a strand of hair away from my face. I manage a half smile and nod. I send Jordon to go get a pregnancy test while I get ready for the show. My crew and I decide I should wear my normal clothes until I go on. I agree, they are too comfy to take off. When Jordon returns, I do the test and decide to check on it after the show. We head out to the stage and see most of the seats have filled up. We sit upfront and I excitedly wait for the show to start. I love Lil Dicky. He is a legend of this generation. When he comes on I instantly snapchat it along with Ryan and Jordon. His set was the best one I ever saw. At the end of it, I get pulled up on stage.

"I'm not even ready yet!" I yell. The people at the end of he staircase just shake their heads. I walk over to the chair set up and sit down. Lil Dicky starts singing again and walking around me. I see Ryan laughing and with his phone up. All of a sudden, Lil Dicky gives me a lap dance. I freak out at first but then ease into it. I through my hands in the air and the crowd erupts with whoops. Before I even know it, Lil Dicky is off and continuing to dance. I hurry off the stage and get ready for my set.

Charlie's POV:
I run back into my hotel room and plop on the bed. Dinner was amazing and I had a surprisingly, great time. I turn on my phone and get ready for the streams of Meghan's concert to flood in. I check Instagram and see some singer singing and dancing and then another one where he lap dancing someone. I ignore it but it keeps popping up in every Megatron account. Meghan must have him as an opener and thats why their posting it. I check her snapchat and see her yelling at him that she loves him. What about me? I decide to check out Ryan's snapchat and sure enough my worst dreams come true. It starts out with Meghan on stage and then the next one is Dicky lap dancing. I get so angry I throw my phone against the wall. I go over to it and luckily, it isn't broken. I send out a text to her not caring about Jonathan,

"Meghan, we need to talk."

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