99. Charlie.... Help Me.

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Charlie's POV:
As I am getting ready to hop in bed, I hear the door slam. I pull back on my jogging pants and run down the stairs.

"Meghan?" I call out. I check the couch, nope. Dining room, nope. Recording studio, nope. Kitchen, nope. I go over to the breakfast bar slump into one of the seats.

"Where is she?" I ask aloud. I go to pull out my phone but realizing we're fighting, set it down. I see a post-it note next to it and groan. We do we always fight? I can't change my past and I bet she has dated or kissed other male celebs before! So why can't I? I pick my phone up again and sigh,

"Listen, even though we're fighting we are still married and have children. Please come home and I will sleep in the guest room." I text it and surprisingly, the little "READ" symbol appears.

"You can handle them for one night, Charles. Meghan is sleeping right now but will be back tomorrow. Night."

Great. Jordon's angry too. I plug my phone into the charger and head back upstairs.
Meghan's POV:
I wake up the next morning with my arms wrapped around me. God, I wish they were Charlie's. I pick myself off of the couch and grab my phone. The screen flashes on and I check the time, 1 PM! I slept through the whole morning! I quickly get up and feel lightheaded. I manage to make it to the kitchen and sit down in one of the chairs. I need to call Charlie.
No I don't. Who are you? You. Okay, why not? You're fighting and you deserve some space and to just walk out and come back whenever you please like he did. But my babies... That's it I'm driving home. I gather up my coat and head outside. I manage to find Ryan's keys hanging up by the door and unlock his car. I get in and start driving home. On the way, I feel my stomach churn and realize I didn't eat anything yet. I race home and find another car in the driveway. My body boils with anger as I walk up to the door. Did Charles actually buy a slut because he was angry at me? He couldn't have! My hand shakes as I reach for the doorbell and I close my eyes.

Charlie's POV:
I hear the babies crying I pick my head up off the counter. My head hurts and I am still in my jogging pants, I must have slept here all night!  I manage to get off of the chair and head upstairs I walk into their room and hear both of them crying. I sigh and pick Pene up, she is heavier than usual so I lay her down on the changing table. I change her but she continues to cry. I decide to change Fin too and put him back in his crib. I rock each crib a little but they are still crying.

"Oh my God! Stop crying! Please!" I yell and slump down on the floor. I pick myself up and go to Pene's crib.

"What do you want? I can't tell what you want! Meghan always knew what you guys wanted. Please give me a sign!" I tell Pene. Pene continues to cry and it comes to me. They're hungry! I run down the stairs and head for the kitchen. I grab the powder mix and read the directions. I take both bottles upstairs and start feeding and burping them. They finally calm down and I head back downstairs. I check the time and realize it's almost 1:00 PM. God, where is Meghan? She should be home by now! I hear the doorbell ring and I run to open it.

"Meg, I'm so-" I start but then I see who it is.

"Selena? What are you doing here?" I ask. Sel shakes her head and collapses into my arms.

"Help." She whispers. I pick her up bridal style and lay her on the couch. I grab a washcloth and run it under cold water. I lay it across her forehead and kneel on the ground.

"Ughhhh." She groans.

"What? What's the matter?!" I yell. I check her eyes and see that her pupils are dilated and that her skin is blue/purple.

"Selena!" I yell and shake her.

"Charrrrrllll?" She groans.

"What happened?!"


"Pills? PILLS?! OH MY GOD SEL!" I yell and scramble for the phone. I call 911 and rub Selena's hand.

"911, what's your emergency?" The lady asks.

"Hi. Um.. My-My friend, she came to my house and I think she overdosed. I need help. Please hurry!" I yell and hang up. I hear the doorbell and I run to answer it.

"Char-" Meghan starts.

"Meghan. Uh, uh, you need to go." I say and close the door a little. She hates Selena and I can't have her go crazy in an emergency.

"What?! Charles who is in there?! Who are you fucking, now?!" She yells.

"Fucking? What?" I ask. I notice my missing t-shirt and I face palm myself.

"Nobody! I'm married to you!" I reply.

"Well it doesn't feel like it!"

"What the fuck does that mean?!"

"You're always hiding something from me! Just when I thought I knew you, you turn around and screw with my mind!"

"Then let's get a fucking divorce!" I yell and soon regret it. Meghan's face falls and she runs back to a car. She gets in and drives off before I can say anything. I feel my eyes start to sting and hot tears drop down my cheeks. I see the ambulance's lights down the street and take the babies next door, to an older lady that Meghan and I know. The paramedics load Selena into the ambulance and I get in with her. We drive off and into the hospital.
I am sitting down in a hard, plastic chair waiting for news from the doctor. I have my head in my hands and I can't feel anything. Me and Meghan just had our first big fight. I hear clicking and Meghan's sweet voice fills the room.


"Meghan! Oh my God, I am so-" I start and get up to hug her. She puts her hands in front of her and I stop. She reaches into her black leather purse and pulls out an envelope.

"This is for you."

"Oh God, no. Please Meghan. This is our first fight. We can overcome it. We don't need a divorce."

"No, you were right. Let's file a divorce. The only reason we're together right now is because we had children." She says and hands the letter over to me. She starts walking away and I sigh,


"What." She says and turns around. She has tears streaking her pale face and her hands are clenched. I grab onto her waist and pull her close to me. I bring her head to mine and kiss her.

"Selena was there. She almost OD-ed. She wanted my help and I couldn't have you freaking out in an emergency." I say quietly. Meghan nods and looks up at me. I wipe some of her tears away with my thumbs and she wraps her arms around my abdomen.

"Please don't leave me." Meghan whispers.


Marlie and MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora