46. Going Home

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Charlie's POV:
The nurse takes Meghan's IV out of her arm and covers it with a band-aid. She leaves the room to get the discharge papers and I close the curtains and help Meghan get into her onesie. I take off her hospital gown and help her stand up a little to get it on. I zip it up and grab her favorite slippers. I put them on her feet and lay her back in bed until it is time to go. The nurse comes back in and hands me her papers, plan of care for at home, and prescriptions for pain killers. She leaves the room and I finish packing her things. Transport comes and I pick her up, bridal style, and set her down in the wheel chair. I grab the bags and we head downstairs. I put my hood on and wait for Ryan to pull up. He grabs the bags and I help Meghan into the front seat. She buckles in and I close the door gently. I get into the back and we drive off. We reach her house and I help her out and carry her upstairs. I lay her down on the bed and she kisses me. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me down to her. I break away and she gives me a look of confusion.

"You...you..are still hurt..." I say breathlessly. She nods her head and I head downstairs to get her bags.

Meghan's POV:
I wish Charlie wouldn't leave for Paris this afternoon. I miss him a lot and can't bear the separation. Charlie comes back up with my bags and sets them down on the floor. I kiss him again and he pulls away before I wrap my arms around him.

"Charlie, do you still love me?" I ask tears forming in my eyes.

"Why would you ask that?"

"You pulled away from our kiss.."

"Oh Meg, I love you so much I don't want to hurt you right now. And I am 99.9% that if we have sex right now you are going to feel worse." He says and cups my cheeks.

"But I want you to remember me when you are in Paris with all those French girls..." I say meekly.

"Princess, I would never forget you. I will call you every night when I have internet, okay? And even though it may be early morning here, it is still night over there, so don't worry, okay?" He says. I nod and  he lays down with me and I snuggle into him.

"I love you Charlie."

"I love you too Meghan."

I smile and fall asleep. I hate that I did because he left for the airport while I was asleep. I am still too weak to walk and keep falling asleep due to the meds but Ryan and Justin take really good care of me and get me when I need.

Author Note: Hey everyone! What did you think of this chapter? Ryan is going to start being a better, nicer brother so there's that and Justin will start being part of the story more too! Make sure to comment, like, and share!

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