30. Celebration

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Meghan's POV:
I walk back to my dressing room and open the door. I scream a little when I find some standing in front of me.

"Charlie! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I laugh and joins in. He hands me bouquet of flowers. I kiss him and he grabs my back pulling me closer. I change and we head out to dinner. Just Charlie and I go to dinner while Ryan and Justin are going to the new arcade opening. I put on a black lace dress with heels and then curl my hair a little. I walk out of the bathroom and see Charlie has put on a black suit and has his hair slicked back. He look so schmexy if I do say so myself. I grab my purse and put my phone in it and head out with Charlie. We arrive at an Italian restaurant and get a booth seat. We order food and drinks and make small talk. Charlie asks me about tour and I talk all about it.

"I have Hailee and Common Kings as openers and I am super excited. I am going to play all of my new songs off of "Thank You" and then some of my favorites from "Title." And I'm defiantly going to the cities I had to cancel because of surgery."

"Meg, that's great." He says smiling.

"Maybe you could come with me and we could be together on tour." I say really excitedly. He frowns.

"Meg, I have to go back on tour myself, the Nine Track Mind tour is still ongoing." He says quietly.

"But then we won't be together for..." I start counting the months on my fingers.

"...at least 5 months" Charlie says interrupting me.

"But I swear whenever you need me I will take the next flight to you." He says squeezing my hand. I smile and then our food comes. We leave the restaurant and head home and finally up to bed. Charlie has one final celebration surprise and its the thing nobody talks but does the walk of shame about.

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