86. Extra

332 23 2

Charlie's POV:
I was half way down the stairs when I heard Meghan screaming. I practically tripped, racing back up the steps. I run into our room and see a shocked Meghan sitting up in bed.

"Meghan! Are you okay? What happened?" I ask frantically. She just shakes her head and points to the television. I sit down on the end of the bed and Meghan scoots over to me. The show she must have been watching, comes back on and the one of the hosts of Extra are sitting on the couch.

"Back to our biggest story of the century." Charissa Thompson says. Yes, I know who she is and I used to have a slight crush on her. She gestures to the side stage and a girl walks on. She couldn't be more than 16 years old, just like most of our fans. She has her hair cut short, a little above her shoulders, and has braces. There was an aura of shyness that radiated from her posture and just the way she acted around Charissa, but something about her screamed confidence.

"Hello, I'm Camryn." She says sweetly.

"So Camryn, what is the big news you have for everyone?" Charissa asks.

"Well, I have evidence that Meghan Trainor is married." She says. I feel my heart drop and I subconsciously grab Meghan's hand.

"To who?"

"Charlie Puth." She says. I squeeze Meghan's hand and listen intently.

"But both of them have denied countless times that they are friends."

"That's what they tell everyone but they have been secretly dating for the past year. And just a few short months ago, they got married." She says.

"How do you know these things?"

"Well, all the photos I have are on the Extra webpage and locals in an off the radar island near Paris, have reports of them 'getting it on' as if on their honeymoon. Also, some of Charlie's bandmates took photos at a reception but never showed the bride and groom but families from both, Meghan and Charlie were there. And lastly, Meghan and Charlie were caught holding hands on multiple occasions, especially with wedding rings." She says. My heart drops and I look at Meghan.

"What do we do?" We say at the same time. We both smile but it soon fades with our current predicament.

"Should we tell the fans?" She asks.

"Let's ask Ryan and Jordon." I say squeezing her hands. She nods and bites her lip.

Meghan's POV:
"Stop." Charlie says.

"What?" I ask.

"Biting your lip, it's turning me on at a bad time." He says. I blush and unhook my lip from my teeth.

"You manage to get turned on even in the worst times." I say rolling my eyes.

"Your irresistible..." He says kissing me. He starts kissing down my neck and I relax into his arms that have surrounded my upper stomach.

"Charlie...." I whine.

"Hmmm?" He hums against my neck, making it tickle.

"We....have....other........things....to....do." I whisper.

"After.." He says.

"Charlie." I say pushing him off of me lightly.


"What has gotten into you?"

"Sorry, it's just I haven't in so long and if we do go public it's just going to complicate things and...."

"Shhh. It's okay, I get it. But, not right now." I say quietly. Charlie nods sadly and helps me downstairs. We walk into the living room and see Ryan and Jordon on the couch watching a movie.

"Hey guys!" Jordon says sitting up from her position on Ryan.

"Hey, have you heard the news?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" Ryan asks.

"Some girl found out Meghan and I are married." Charlie says. Both Ryan and Jordon sit there astonished and looking at each other.

".....We don't know what to do." I say quietly.

"Well, we could always deny it and say- but that might get complicated. Or we could come out and- well, your managers might kill you-" Ryan starts.

"Or we could neither deny or approve it." Jordon says.

"What do we do then? Meghan is going on tour shortly and with the babies..." Charlie says.

"We will just take it one step at a time. For now, go sleep, we will figure this out in the morning. Meghan has practice for the last time before tour tomorrow and she needs rest." Jordon says. I nod and Charlie helps me up the stairs. He tucks me in and heads back downstairs, after turning off the light. I lift my nightgown off my bump and rub it slightly,

"Hey you three, can you let Mommy sleep for tonight, please?" I ask quietly. I feel a kick and laugh,

"Guess not."

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