92. Wake Up.

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(the whole story) Charlie's POV:
The waiting game. I've never been a fan of it. My mother used to do it all the time to me when I was little and I hated it. And now it is here again. Come back here to haunt me. I manage to go back to the waiting room and wait 'till the doctor or one of his assistances tell us what's going on. The only information we have on Meghan's condition is from before I got here on the way to the emergency C-section. I sit closest to the door the doctor's come through and either have my face in my hands or I am looking at the door. I tried distracting myself on my phone but I would always end up in my photo gallery and have to exit the room again. I can feel the dirty looks I am getting from Ryan and Meghan's dad while Jordon and her mom are comforting each other and talking about where the babies should go if they survive. All I manage to do is sit there and listen. I should be in that conversation, even though Meghan might not make it, I am still the legal guardian. But it might be best if Meghan's mom takes care of them, I would be to heartbroken and depressed anyway. I look up and I see Ryan has his eyes glued to me searching my face for God knows what. I finally have enough of his look and look up at him.

"I get it, alright! It's my fault. I wasn't here and the stress and pain and all that s**t got to her and now she could be dead because of me. So I don't need your looks on top of it." I say and put my face back into my hands. I hear shuffling and then the door slams shut. I look up and see Ryan has stormed out of the room. I feel my tears silently roll down my cheeks and wipe them with the sleeve of my flannel.

"I'll go get him." Meghan's mom says after awhile.

"No. Don't, he just needs to calm down. I understand how he feels when he has to sit in the same room with the idiot who put her life in danger." Meghan's dad says. My anger builds up but I don't lash out. If Meghan and I were dating I would if probably left.....the country. But now that we're married and Gary is my father in law, I can't just cuss him out or anything. I understand his anger and his hate and I would fell the same if it was my daughter.... What if she had a daughter? What if she is in danger? I start crying more and about to get up to leave when the door springs open.

"Hello family of Mrs. Puth." He says and we all look up.

"I am one of Dr. Smith's messengers so I am here to tell you her conditions as the go by. At this moment, two of the babies have been born and getting checked on and cleaned up, we will let you, Mr. Puth know when you can see them first and then the rest of the family may go after." He says looking around the room.

"How is Meghan?" I manage out.

"She is stable at the moment, we had to give her magnesium to level her blood pressure and then she needed, and still needs, a blood transfusion." He says looking at me.

"She is lucky she is just unconscious, 1 in 50 woman die of a birth related stroke." He says calmly. I feel my world spin round and round and my mind is racing everywhere. At least she isn't dead. I think to myself.

"Wh-when can I see her-r?" I ask as calmly as I can.

"Hard to say, we still need to get number three safely out-" he starts but then his pager goes off. He runs back through the door and I chase after him. He runs to a surgery room and I see Meghan lying on a table shaking.

"She's going to have a stroke!" The doctor yells I open the door and some of the nurses look up and yell to get me out of there but I just stand there shocked. They try moving me but I stand there not budging. They finally call security and they escort me back to the waiting room.

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