85. New Kicks

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Charlie's POV:
Wait, did Meghan just say Puth babies, as in more than one? I think to myself. Meghan sets down the slice she was eating and moves over on her bed. She motions for me to sit down and I carefully sit on the edge. She grabs my hands and moves them to either side of her stomach.

"Wait for it." She says. I wait a few seconds and feel a kick on both of my hands, one after the other.

"There's also one more but it's fainter. While I was waiting for the doctor, the nurse took an ultrasound. And she was confused because I told her one child when there were three on the monitor." She says smiling.

"That also influenced my decision...." She says looking down.

"We are going to need a lot more pizza." I say smiling. She laughs and hits my arm playfully.

"I guess with my new tour and everything I was too stressed at the moment and thought I couldn't be a parent. But then, I thought about you. You want to be there for me and you can't wait to have kids with me. Heck, the other day you told me you wanted more." She says laughing at the end part. I blush and she laughs more.

"That, or you just make my boymones go crazy every time I see you and you make me want to make love to you all night and hold you as close as possible." I say with a smirk. She blushes and kisses me lightly. I wrap my arms around her waist and giggle a little.

"Way to ruin the moment Charlie." Meghan says laughing while rolling her eyes.

"Sorry, it's just I can bearly wrap my arms around you and your only five months pregnant." I say laughing.

"Wow, already?" She asks. I nod and Meghan smiles. She lays back on the bed and takes the pizza box, continuing to eat it.

"I'm going to go grab more, okay?" I ask. She nods and I exit the room.

Meghan's POV:
I decide to turn the television while I wait for Charlie. The television springs to life when I turn it on and realize we left it on a news channel, more specifically, Extra. They finish up their last segment of if Kylie is really back together with Tyga and then my face pops up. Of course, I continue watching it.

"Coming up, could Meghan be married?" The lady announcer says and then they show a picture of my hand with my wedding ring. I freak out and yell for Charlie.

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