65. How Did I Get Here?

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Meghan's POV:
I am jolted awake from falling off the bed. My head starts hurting and I hold it in my hands. I check the time on the alarm clock and see it's nearly 2 AM. I climb back into bed only to find that this is not my bed and someone else is already in it. I stand up and walk to a chair. I hold my arms trying to give me more warmth to my body. Where the heck am I? Where the heck is my phone? I decide to look around and search for it. I finally find it on the floor where I fell. I turn it on and the screen blinds me. I turn it down a little and realize it has a small streak of blood from my finger. I run into the bathroom and see my arm oozing blood, where I guess, hit the table on my way down. I grab toilet paper and make a bondage out of it. I also grab my phone and head outside the hotel room. I call every single one of my bridesmaids and with no luck, I call Charlie.

"Hello?" He asks groggily.

"Charlie, I need your help....." I whisper on the verge of tears.

"What-Meg, are you okay?" He asks, his tone of voice changing drastically.

"N-No, I'm sca-red Charlie. None of my bridesmaids are answering their phones and-"

"-I'm sending Ryan, where are you?" He cuts me off.

"I don't know." I cry out. Just then Corrine appears from the room next door.

"Meghan, what's wrong?" She asks. I hear Charlie screaming my name on the other end and hang up the phone.

"Corrine!" I yell and run up to her and hug her.

"Where are we? How did I get here?" I cry into her shoulder.

"At the Omni Hotel, after we finished up our tour last night, you decided you wanted to go to a hotel and-"

"-who is in that bed?" I ask scared.

"Did I sleep with someone?" I ask desperately. She shakes her head, no, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"It's Elvis, he was putting on a show and you invited him to your room and we were all there until you passed out. Since we were all drunk, Elvis volunteered to stay with you to make sure you would be okay." She says with a straight face. I refrain from everything I want to do and go back into the room and sleep. I do have a wedding later today.

Author Note: Short, I know, I know. But I wanted to keep you updated while I work on the wedding. By the way, please comment where they should go on their honeymoon. Also, should "the thing" happen? Let me know! Make sure to comment, like, and share!

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