94. Baby You're a FireworK

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Charlie's POV:
"So is your annual house party still on?"
"I want to meet the little ones."
"Meghan, darling. Wake the f**k up."
"Meggie I need to talk, my boyfriend and I just broke up and I need to distract myself."

I am woken up to a phone going off. I check mine, nothing. I roll over and surprised not to find Meghan there I disconnect her phone from the charger and walk around the house looking for her. I walk into the babies' room and see her breastfeeding one.

"My turn next." I joke. Meghan jumps in her rocking chair and looks up.

"Hey, I didn't know you were up." She says quietly.

"Yeah, well your phone woke me up. It started going off." I say and walk over to her.

"Can you read it to me?" She asks. I nod and read the texts off.

"By the way, they are from Fancy." I add at the end.

"I totally forgot." She says and hits her head with her free hand.

"What?" I ask.

"My house party. Every July we host a BBQ and I invite stars over to celebrate." She says looking down at the baby.

"Well, do you still want to have it?" I ask.

"Char, it's tonight and I don't have anything. Even if we wanted to we couldn't." She sighs.

"Hey, don't give up. Just ask everyone who is coming to bring something for the party." I suggest.

"Char that's a great idea!" She squeals. I smile and start texting out in the group chat.

"And since my dad is still here, he can grill." I say proudly.

"Both families can come." She adds, rolling her eyes. I smile and she starts burping the baby, which I now see is Finley. Man, he's getting more than I ever could. I think to myself. Meghan laughs when she sees my facial expression and brings her lower lip forward,

"Awe is Chawie a wittle jeawous?" She mocks. I blush and take Finley from her.

"Let's give mean Mommy a break." I say and put him back in his crib.

"You're lucky he was done." She says and readjusts her top. I smirk and head downstairs with Meghan in tow.

"So a lot of people have already replied with bringing alcohol, soda, chips, plates, cups, etc." Meghan says looking down at her phone.

"So all we need is meat." She says looking up.

"I think I can handle that." I say putting coffee grounds into our coffee maker.

"Who all is coming?" I ask and turn the machine on.

"Fancy, Frankie, Chloë, Brooklyn, Tove, Selena, Demi, Nick....." She thinks again for a moment.

"Troye, Ariana, and a few other people that I forgot about." She says out of breath. I finish up the coffee and hand her mug.

"So I will go get the meat from the store while you get prettified and dress the babies." I say taking a sip of my coffee. Meghan nods and smiles.

"What?" I ask.



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