57. They Shine for You

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Meghan's POV:
I open the window and there stands the Eiffel Tower glistening with lights. I start crying, they are so beautiful. I was just there. I look over and see Jordon by my side. Ryan taps her on the shoulder and we both turn around. He then gets down on one knee and proposes to Jordon.

"Jo, I have loved you since high school. You are my best friend in the world and I love you like crazy.... The Eiffel Tower lights are on and they shine for you. I have never been head over heels like this for anyone. So will you do me the honor and become Mrs. Jordon Trainor?" He asks.

"Yes!" She exclaims and kisses him. Charlie and I both look at each other and he gives me a questioning look. A few minutes after the engagement, they both leave and Charlie takes off all his garb. I sit on the couch patiently and go on my phone.

Charlie's POV:
I run into the bathroom and get off all my garb. I don't understand Meghan. Does she want me to propose to her? Do I want to? I can't. I don't. I don't want to get married right now. I am only 24 and I don't think that this will be my only relationship. I finish washing my face and exit the bathroom. I see Meghan on the couch, upset. I go over to her, silently, and look at her phone. She is on Pinterest and looking at wedding ideas. I got to tell her.

"Meg, I don't want to propose to you. I am only 24 and I doubt this will be my only relationship." I say. She suddenly looks up with tears in her eyes.

"Your relationship with me?" She asks. I nod.

"You know what Charlie?!" She screams. She goes over to my packed bag and throws it out the window.

"F**k you and go take your f**king relationship sh*t to your other relationships because I don't want this if it isn't going to last." She says and runs out of the room. I go to chase after her but she is already in Ryan and Jordon's room. I head downstairs and retrieve my bag. I come back into the hotel and go to the receptionist.

"How may I help you?" The lady asks.

"I need a room just for tonight, please." I say. She starts typing away at her computer and finally looks over.

"I am sorry sir, there aren't any rooms available." She says. I walk away furious and back up to mine and Meghan's room. She is going to have to deal with it until I can get a ticket out of here. I get into the room and see her bags are already gone. Good. I don't want to do anything pertaining to her anymore. I get on my phone and book a plane ticket. I then realize I have my mom with me. I go over to her room and knock on the door. She answers it and gives me a glare.

"I heard what happened Charles and I am very ashamed." She says sternly.

"Mom, I can explain." I say.

"Don't. The whole reason you dragged me here is so I can get to know your future wife and now you say you don't even want to continue your relationship?" She says sternly.

"Mom, I-I don't know what to do..." I say starting to cry.

"I don't know Charles but whatever you do, you better not break that girl's heart more." She says and slams the door. I get on my phone again and cancel my plane ticket.

Author Note: Short chapter, I know, I know. But the next one will be longer because of all the drama. What do you think? Kind of a plot twist. Make sure to comment, like, and share!

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