32. Blocked

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Meghan's POV:
I gave up on trying to call Charlie because whenever he is mad at me, he doesn't answer. I head downstairs and grab a granola bar from the pantry. Justin is away at a video game convention and Ryan is getting ready for the day of shooting ahead. It's been a month since I last saw Charlie in person. He put up the "Suffer" video a few weeks ago and I cried the entire day. When he recorded it, he told me it was about me and different parts about the song. I head over to Ryan and see he has cameras out the a-zoo. He finishes packing and we head out.

Charlie's POV:
I wait for a call from Meghan about me not being there for her, or it's all my fault, or something like that but it never comes. I start to get worried and wonder if she is going to get an abortion or if she has a baby at all since they swabbed her throat. I do know one thing for sure, I am not going to call first. I feel really bad about storming away and have pulled up her number to call her but never have. I go back to the office where my manager is and slump down in one of the chairs.

"Charlie! The video is perfect! Everyone is loving it!" He yells. I just nod and pull out my iPhone. I open Snapchat and see Meghan has snapped. I open it up and she is on the screen laughing with her friends and family. She has on her favorite onesie and the ring from her grandmother that I had polished up and regifted for her a few months ago. She turns the camera and she shows video cameras. She's shooting her music video! She was talking about it when we went to dinner. I leave the room and head into the bathroom. I type Meghan's number in and call her. It rings and rings and then she picks up.

"Hello?" She asks.

"Meghan..." I say softly.

"Charlie..." She says quietly. It sounds like music to my ears to hear her voice say my name again. I hear noises on the other end but she talks over it.

"Charlie, what do you want?" She asks quickly. I start to pipe up but then I hear shouting.

"Meghan! Did you just say Charlie?" The person asks. I hear her yelling and then she starts crying and Ryan gets on the phone.

"Goodbye Charlie and don't ever talk to her again!" He screams into the phone. I hear beeping and try calling again but it goes to voicemail, he blocked me.

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