Chapter 1 Crazy Nights

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     Remington was tired it was 2am and she still had 5 hours left on her double shift. She could kill Michelle for calling off tonight, it was a full moon and all the crazies were out not to mention it was Friday night and all the drunken bar fight casualties. To top it all off she was having to work with Dr. Jordan who was a man whore and thought every woman wanted him and he wouldn't leave her alone and take no for an answer.
        At the moment, she was restocking trauma room 1 since Kim had the other patient that was left from this latest round of craziness. Kim came out and asked if she was off tomorrow night and Remi told her yeah. Kim asked if she wanted to go out with her and the girls since they had all had the night off. Remi started to say no but decided that she had worked so much lately that she needed a fun night out so she said sure I will go.
      Hey Remi got a bleeder for you, where you want  him?hollered the desk clerk . Trauma 1 I will meet you there. As she enters trauma one she starts looking the guy over, she can just about bet it's a bar fight casualty by the blood. Hello Mr. Gilbert my names Remi and I will be taking care of you tonight.
Ma'am call me BG my dad is Mr. Gilbert said the man.
Remi looks up and said okay BG what happened to you that you ended up in my ER?
Well I got in a fight in a bar, she interrupted him at this point, okay BG I need to get your vital signs and start checking you over okay. So no tough guy act, if it hurts let me know. Yes ma'am he replied.
         She looked at his eye it was bruised and swelling so she pressed on the orbital socket and he sucked in a breath. She said sorry I'm trying to see if it needs an X-ray so that response means yes.
       Okay ribs next,  please take your shirt off . BG smirks and said usually I have a drink and dinner before I take my clothes off for someone. Remi raised an eyebrow and looked at him. Okay sorry ma'am just trying to lighten the mood.  Remi went to his back and asked him if anything hurt as she pressed on his ribs and he said no ma'am.
       As she moved to the front she notices he had a 2 inch cut, on his right lower abdomen. She tells him to lay back and hit the button for help. Kim ran in, Remi said get Dr. Jordan I have a cut or stab not sure yet but he needs to get his ass down here now since I paged  him 10 minutes ago. 
     Remi looks at BG and he is a little pale so she hits for another set of vitals. Remi asks BG do you know if this was just a cut or stab. He looks down and said I don't know probably a cut but it was 2 guys so I'm not sure. I really didn't know I had that. She nods at him and notices his vitals are stable. So probably a cut but she needs Dr. Jordan to determine it, where is he?
     The lab tech comes in with the cbc results and blood count is good. So she is pretty confident that it's just a cut.
       Dr. Jordan comes in and says what do we have here? Another bad boy in a bar fight, what someone spill your beer? Remi looks at Dr. Jordan with a steely gaze and says Dr. Jordan I think this is just a cut as the CBC is normal and vital signs are holding stable , eye orbit is tender but no bruising or tenderness on the ribs. So do you want me to order an X-ray for the eye while you examine the laceration? 
       Dr. Jordan looks at Remi and said that would be great babe .  Remi gives him a steely gaze and says it is Nurse Slade, Dr.Jordan. Well babe don't you have work to do while I sew Mr. Gilbert up? Dr. Jordan I will order the X-ray but you will call me by my correct title when addressing me, do I make myself clear? He looks up and then looks at BG and said Can't please a broad like that, she has a stick up her ass all the damn time. I know something I would like to shove in that ass of hers and laughs.
    BG watches this exchange with the nurse and the doctor and it pisses him off. He hates when men disrespect women. His mama taught him better than that, someone needs to teach the good doctor. He watches as the doctor sews him up. Nurse Remi came back in and asked was he finished and ready for the bandage? He said yes then take the patient to X-ray and while you are there why don't you see if they can X-ray you and find whatever has crawled up your ass. BG growled at that statement and Remi turned to Dr. Jordan and said Dr. Jordan I think that is enough of your comments.
     BG would you please come with me? she says. BG gets up and walks beside her to X-ray and she said I apologize that you had to witness that back there. It was very unprofessional. BG said ma'am you have nothing to apologize for, I feel like I should be apologizing to you for his behavior. He gives the male species a bad name. Remi said yeah he does but so does every other man I know. Here we are, they will bring you back when they are done.
      Kim was at the station and said the guy you have is hot!!! Remi just shrugged and said bar room brawl Kim. Remi went to start cleaning up in Trauma 1 knowing it would save time later. Kim yelled out Remi you got to get past that, not every guy is like that. Remi said, " yeah  all the ones I have met are Kim, and it ain't ever happening again. But he's hot Remi, you know he is! Remi said " I may think he looks good enough to lick and eat  from head to toe but not happening bar room brawl Kim"
Remi , Kim called. " I don't care if he is sex on a stick Kim,bar room brawl ,not happening " as she turned around to Kim and BG standing at the door. Kim is laughing and BG has this sexy smirk on his face. Remi glares at Kim and blushes and walks out.
    Kim tells BG to sit on the stretcher as she bandages his stitches and gives him instructions on taking care of them. BG asks her what time Remi got off she grins and says 7am but as you heard you got your work cut out for you. No more questions her story to tell not mine. BG nodded and said thanks.
Remi comes in and gives him his discharge papers and tells him that nothing was broken around his eye but that he needed to be careful about getting in more fights until it heals.
BG said I got a question. Remi said okay what is it? BG smiles and says can I get your phone number? Remi smiles and said No and walks out. BG just sits there in shock, women don't tell him no. They are usually throwing themselves at him. He will be here at 7am to see if he can take her to breakfast.
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