Chapter 12 Back to Real world

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   BG and Remi said goodbye and promised it wouldn't be as long before they visited again. On the way home he told her he was gonna be gone this week because he had to go to do some studio work in Nashville but he would be talking to her everyday. She told him that this weeks schedule was a little rough so it would be okay. She asked when he would be going back on tour and he told her he had a month. He asked her if she would go with him to Jefferson to meet his momma and stay with him a day or two before he went on tour. She agreed to do that and told him she was nervous about meeting his momma. He laughed and said I promise you won't have to get in the ring with her. She will love you cause you love me and respect me and don't care if I'm famous or not. 

      BG dropped her off and told her if she needed him to call or text. She ran in changed into her scrubs and headed to work. Kim and Michelle were on with her tonight and the only drawback was Dr Jordan was covering. She braced herself for the worst as she clocked in. 
     She stocked trauma 2 and helped Michelle clean up getting ready for the next one. Michelle asked where she had been that she came by yesterday. Remi told her she went home and saw her Pop and uncles that she hadn't seen in 4 years. Your car was in its spot. Remi smiles and said " yeah that's cause we took BG's bike." Michelle stopped and said,"get out of here girl you are with the Brantley Gilbert?" Remi said "yeah I guess I just call him B. He's just a man Michelle, same as everyone else."

       Kim walks by and said Dr Jackass alert. They all roll their eyes. Dr Jordan walks by and said , "hello ladies are y'all ready for a busy night? " They replied," sure Doc". They continue stocking and making sure they had everything ready to go in case it was needed. About 3am they had a car accident victims come in and they were all busy trying to make sure they didn't lose them, tonight wasn't that night. They were able to save 3 of the 4 but the one they lost was a little blonde hair girl about 3 years old. It hit a little to close for Remi. It was now 6am and her relief would be there in 30 minutes and she would be glad. Ready to go home and crash before she had to be back at 3pm. They had some small cases come in and then it was time to head home.

    Remi sent B a text telling she was headed home to crash it was a bad night and she needed rest before she got up at 2pm to go back for 16 hours. And that she loved him.

      BG got up and headed to Nashville with his band . His phone buzzed so he looks at his text from Remi and smiles. He sent back I love you and hope you have sweet dreams about me. Talk to you tonight baby. The guys give him a hard time about the girl but they are happy because she's a keeper. They get to the studio and work nonstop not paying attention to the time. BG realizes it's 11pm so he takes a break and sends Remi a text asking if she's having a good night and that he loves her. Remi sends back its been okay halfway done and then I'm off a few days. Talk to you later and you stay safe.
            The second half of her shift was non stop trauma. Rape, car wrecks , domestic violence cases, gunshots and stabbings. She was beat emotionally and physically. She went straight home took a shower to try and get the feeling of grime off of her and went to bed. Remi slept like a dead man.

When Remi woke up at 6pm she checked her phone and had messages from BG, Ace and her pop. She answered Ace and Pop, they were asking if she made it okay and that they loved her and missed her. BG told her that his label had scheduled a concert for tomorrow night and he wanted to know if she wanted to fly up tonight and then fly back tomorrow night after the concert. She sent back yes she had to try and find a flight. BG sent back there is one leaving Atlanta in 2 hours could she make it? She said yeah. He sent back its booked and I will meet you at the airport see you I. 3 hours Darlin. Remi grabbed her overnight bag and packed for the concert and traveling clothes and grabbed some leggings and her Bama tshirt and flip flops and she headed out the door to get to the airport. Remi got to the airport and stopped at Starbucks for some coffee since she didn't take time before she left her apt. As she was waiting for them to call her flight, she overhead two ladies talking about BG and how the news said he had been spotted around town with a new lady. The younger of the ladies said it was a blonde and they said she was pretty. Remi just smiled. BG text and said that he would see her in 30 minutes at the airport. See you in a bit they are calling my flight now.
Remi exited the plane excited to see BG and to be able to watch him do a big show tomorrow night. All she had was her carry on so she was looking around for BG and she spotted him surrounded by fans. At that moment he spotted her and excused himself and came toward her picked her up and kissed her. They stood kissing for a minute and saw they had drawn a crowd and he whispers in her ear I guess the secrets out now. She said it already was I overheard two waiting to board the plane that you had a new lady that was blonde. He grinned and said blonde and blue eyes baby. You ready to roll? Yeah let's go. Don't we have to get your luggage ? Remi smiles it only over night so I have my bag right here. Darlin I love you!! I love you B! They went out and got in BG's truck and his phone starts buzzing with notifications. He said I bet the fans know now, we will look at the hotel.
At the hotel they get room service ordered and pick out a movie to watch, Lone Soldier. As they wait on their food they open social media and there are pictures of them in the airport. All the comments are very nice so far. His phone rings and it's his momma, she has seen that picture I bet

BG- Hey Angel are you doing all right?
Momma- Brantley do you have something to tell me son?
BG- Like what momma, you need to ask me something
Momma- Don't you sass me Brantley Keith, you know what I'm talking about. Who is that girl that you are holding and kissing in the airport?
BG- Well momma her name is Remington Slade but she goes by Remi. I met her at the hospital the other night she was my nurse. And I didn't know it but my friend Ace is her older brother. I saw her the next night when her friends brought her to my hometown show. We went to see her dad at the club and then she had to get back to work the past couple days. She's really nice momma.
Momma- Well is this serious Brantley? And when is she coming here to your hometown?
BG- Yes momma it is and we have to look at our work schedules to see when we both have time off. She works this weekend so maybe next week she can come with me before I leave on tour again. Momma she flew up to see my concert tomorrow night after working a horrendous 16 hour shift last night and then sleeping today, and get this she only had a carry on bag.
Momma- Wow she sounds like my kind of girl Brantley, I just didn't like seeing it before I was told about it. But I can see it is new so I will let it go this time son. Son, she's very pretty but looks ain't everything .
BG- I know momma, our supper just got here so I'm gonna go . Love you Angel
Momma- Love you to Babyboy

They ate their supper and watched the movie, Remi fell asleep so BG picked her up and took her to bed. He got her dressed in one of his t'shirts and left her panties on her and he stripped to his briefs and pulled her close.

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