Chapter 62 Christmas

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The last couple of weeks were hectic getting everything ready for Christmas. Remi and Brantley are heading to Alabama to spend the day having Christmas with the Reapers. It was a Christmas Eve tradition the first one she would be at in 4 years and to say that she was excited was an understatement. She was also a little sad at the same time cause she would miss Grizzly being there. BG hollered from downstairs that they needed to go. Remi did one final look in the mirror and she felt like she passed inspection. She looked like a pregnant biker princess. She had found some maternity leather pants and wore a red shirt and had done the heavy makeup, after all she had a reputation to live up to. She walked downstairs and BG turned and said," Damn Baby you trying to make us late? You know when you dress like that I just want to take you right back upstairs and have my way with you" Remi grinned and said," Simmer down outlaw" as she walked past him on her way outside and ran her hand down his chest and patted his crotch. BG groaned and followed her out locking up.
    They talked about how his new album was going and how tomorrow would be a big day since they were going to make the official announcement of her pregnancy to the fans. They were really surprised that they had kept the press from getting wind of it. Although Remi hadn't been out a lot since they quit touring. She was busy planning for the babies and had stuff picked out for both boys and girls so when they found out she foul go ahead and order it. They were supposed to find out next month and she could hardly wait. So far so good with the pregnancy.

   Remi got quiet and BG asked her if she was okay and she told him she was thinking about Grizzly and could they run by the cemetery on the way instead of after. BG told her that wouldn't be a problem. As they pull into town he makes the left to the cemetery and he helps Remi out but props up against his truck. He knows she needs to be alone with Grizzly. Remi walks to the headstone and places a ring on the top of it and whispers "Merry Christmas Grizz,  I miss you everyday. It's been a while and I just wanted to come by and tell you that I'm living my dream with BG. We are gonna have twins. I'm so excited and I called to tell you and all I got was your voicemail. I will be honest I cried that day for 2 hours. But because of you I get to share this with my daddy. I can never thank you enough but I promise you that your sacrifice and legend will live on in my children. They will know exactly who their uncle Grizzly is, that's one promise BG and I will keep. I love you Grizz, Merry Christmas! She kisses the headstone, stands up and walks to her husband who is standing there with his arms wide open just waiting for her. BG pulls her in and kisses the top of her head and asks if she is okay. Remi looks up and said," I'm always okay when I am in your arms outlaw." BG helps Remi into the truck and they head to the clubhouse.
     BG pulls into the lot and they could see the celebration had already begun. Remi looked at him and said," I forgot how rowdy Christmas could get this early in the day." BG just laughed and said,"whenever you get ready baby we will leave. You have an excuse now about needing to rest, and a 3 hour ride home." BG leans over and pulls her into a kiss and someone bangs on the window as they are kissing and they hear,"haven't you leaned anything that's what caused babies" BG and Remi both move one hand and flip whoever it is off. As they pull sort and look Remi said," Ace I can't get any more pregnant and besides I may need to do a sex education class with you if you think kissing causes babies." Ace flipped her off and said," it leads to what causes babies, now get out of the damn truck and let me see you." Remi laughs and opens her door and Ace helps her out of the truck and he said," wow Rem, you are bigger than I thought you would be." She laughs and said,"I'm carrying twins brother"
He said, you still are the prettiest girl here sis"
Remi hugged him and said,"thanks now where is Sandman". Ace said," just like always frying the turkeys that hasn't changed" Remi took BG's hand and led him to behind the shop where there were 6 fryers set up. Sandman sees them and runs over and picks Remi up and swings her around as he hugs her. BG watches  as her smile gets even bigger. This is going to be the best Christmas ever!  There is a buzzing and Sandman said lets pull them up boys. The guys were standing around pull up the turkeys and they put them on plates. Sandman said lets head in and eat, then presents!
     After a meal fit for a royal family the club members separate into different rooms as they give Sandman, Ace, Remi and BG time to have Christmas as a family. BG and Remi had gotten Ace some new riding leathers and boots. And had gotten Sandman a new biker ring that had an angel that represented don't ride faster than your guardian angel can fly. They also got him some boots and riding gloves. Ace and Sandman had gotten Remi a new pair of riding boots and a pair of diamond earrings. They had gotten BG some new riding boots too and a reaper biker ring. After they exchanged gifts they headed out to the crowd where the party was getting rowdy. Remi danced a little with the other old ladies and visited with everyone when she notice Lone Wolf in the corner of the lot. She makes her way over and hugs him asking if he is okay. He smiles and said," yeah I just didn't think I was gonna make it back home last Christmas. Then when I get here I find out Grizzly is gone. It's a lot to process." Remi said,"well you know this is family and if you need anything at anytime we are all here for you. I mean that Wolf, BG does too."
Wolf smiles and said," yeah I know and that means so much Remi." She leaves and makes her way to BG and said,"take me home outlaw"
BG smiled and said," your wish is my command princess" He stands up and they make their way to saying goodbyes and as they get to the truck Snake runs over and says" I have something for y'all" he hands Remi a present and she opens it and smiles through the tears it is little leather vests with the Reaper crest on the back. She holds it up and BG smiles wide and hugs Snake telling him thank you. They say goodbye and Remi slides over next to BG and he puts his arm around her and tells her to rest he would wake her up when they got home.


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