Chapter 26 Decisions

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As they get back to the clubhouse, BG tells Remi he needs to talk to her. She looks at him and says let me make an appearance then I will take you to one of my favorite spots.
The guys are already drinking and telling stories of different rides with Grizzly and how he was always the calm one of the bunch. Remi said," I guess he had learned that from dealing with me all these years. So you're welcome guys, for without me y'all wouldn't have had that" They all groan when they hear that and Snake said, " in your dreams doll everything ain't about you." Remi smiles and said," Really, don't you meaning in your dreams Snake?" Ace said," Burnt bad there Snake" Remi kept walking into the clubhouse where several of the old ladies told her that she did a great job today and Grizzly would have been so proud of her. She smiled and told them thanks. She saw her dad in the meeting room so she slipped inside and shut the door. "Daddy, I'm sorry you lost a good brother and son. But I am so thankful at the same time I still have you. I don't know that I could lose you right now after getting you back. So I'm broken about Grizz but so glad it was him cause I'm not sure the other would have done that. I love you daddy and I'm sorry for running all those years ago." Remi said. Sandman looks up and motions for her to come to him and he pulls her into his lap like she was 5 years old and holds her. He speaks,"Remington you will forever be my baby and I would give my life for you but baby I don't want you to have this MC life. I want you to go do whatever makes you happy and so would Grizz. I knew he went to see you every other week, I knew that he was keeping you safe. He loved you Rem and would have died to keep you safe and happy. So do that for him, live your life to make you happy. Do what you want to but don't come back here and get caught up in this cause as you have seen even though we are legit now things still happen. You ran baby because that was what was best for you. Never be sorry for that, Snake is a good man but he's not good enough for you because he put the club over you. The man I want for you will always put you first over everything. BG is that man Remi, he loves you to no end. I hope you realize that and don't let him go. Snake still hasn't accepted that you are not gonna be his, so it's not a good thing for you to bait him. Y'all have a past and BG knows that so tread carefully baby. Don't ever give BG reason to doubt your love because of Snake. It is like you are the prize that is just out of reach but once Snake gets you he doesn't want you. I said that because I have seen and watched both men with you so please don't get mad." Remi hugged him and said," I love BG and he is it for me daddy. Snake is a brother a part of my past but he is only a part of my future as a brother. BG is who I love and if I'm honest he's the only one I have loved. Snake was the forbidden fruit, first love but even I knew it wouldn't last cause I'm not ever gonna be okay with being one of many. I have to be the only woman for the man I commit to and I have that with BG. So no worries daddy I am with my old man. I'm ride or die with him. I love you daddy and if we are okay then I'm gonna find my old man and see what he needs to talk to me about." Sandman hugged her and said ," I love you Princess."
BG sat outside with Ace and Axel keeping his distance from Snake but he was around. Ace asked BG if he was okay. BG smiles and says"Yeah I've just got to talk to Remi. I have to start tour again next week and I'm going to ask Remi if she wants to go with me. Not sure how she will feel about me touring or going with me." Ace said," oh man that is tough, but I can tell you if I know my sister, she will want to go with you. After losing Grizz, she ain't gonna want to leave you man. She loves you. I can tell that you are it for her." BG said," Ace brother, she is it for me. I'm gonna marry her one day when she feels ready. I'd do it today that is how sure I am. But I know that she needs time to settle down from all that she has been through the last few weeks. She enjoyed the show in Nashville and I think she will enjoy touring and seeing different cities."
Snake had listened to their conversation and he looked at BG and spoke," Brother , I took that beating from you the other night cause I deserved it for what I put her through. I love her, I have protected her since she was 15 and it has been hard for me turning loose of that position. But BG, I can do that knowing you are who is taking that position. I know you love her and she loves you. I'm happy that she has found her true love but brother I'm saying this in front of all our brothers, you screw her over or screw around on her and I will put a beat down on you. Now I know you think that I still want to be with her but I don't as she said that ship has already sailed. Yeah we may flirt around a little but it means nothing cause she loves you and I'm not about to stab my brother in the back but I will protect her with my life if I need to. So are we good again cause I miss my brother?"
BG said,"Snake, thank you brother. I know y'all have history and I accept that fact. I trust her completely and I do trust you, I know you would die for her as well as I would. I would also die for you brother. So yeah we are good cause I miss my brother too."
They get up and do the bro hug and Remi walks out and smiles. She said," I love to see my boys getting along." BG smiled at her and said,"Anything to make you happy baby." She smiles and tells the guys," I need my man so y'all will have to do without him for a while." Axel calls out," Wrap it brother " and the others hoot and catcall. Remi smiles and takes BG's hand and leads him around and climbs a ladder to the roof. He follows and sits down and she leans back against him. After a few minutes he said." Rem I need to tell you something and ask you something too. I have to leave on tour next week. I'm not sure how you feel about it but I want to ask you if you will come with me. I love you baby and don't want to leave you but if you want to go back to work I will understand that too. We can figure out a schedule of when we can get together. I just want you to be happy baby" Remi turns in his arms and kisses him and tells him," I love you and I don't want to be away from you. Losing Grizz made me realize that we only have this moment, so I want every moment I can get with you. So yes I will go on tour with you."
BG kisses her and said,"Baby you have made me so happy, knowing that I will fall asleep and wake up in your arms every day is the best feeling ever."

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