Chapter 16 Ride to Momma's

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BG and Remi get up and load up the truck and hit the road. They listened to the radio singing along and about an hour into the trip Remi turns down the radio.
BG looks at her and said"what's on your mind darlin'"
Remi looks at him and says "I need to tell you something and I guess I probably already should have told you"
BG said, "This have anything to do with the sadness in your eyes last night? I noticed but thought you would tell me when you wanted to."
Remi said," Yes it does, last night watching you and that little girl singing your song it hit me that she was about the age my child would have been had things went differently. I know that it was for the best cause Snake and I as parents would not have worked. I know I would be a good mother just not sure I would have been at 22 when I was only thinking of what I wanted. Well after that night and the beating I took the doctor told me that I may have difficulty in pregnancy or I could do just fine. They just didn't know. I have never had to share that with anyone before so I wasn't sure when I was supposed to. If this changes things I understand B. I know I have baggage and you may not want that following you around."
BG pulled over on the side of the road and turned to Remi, " I don't know when you need to tell that either but today is just fine. I love you Remi, and yes I would love to see you big carrying my child. But let me tell you if you never do that's okay too. I'm sorry it brought you sadness last night, I can only imagine how it must feel, and yes you will be a great mother. But I'm not going anywhere darlin', I love you and I want to be with you from now on." BG pulls Remi to him and kisses her slowly and softly before pulling away. Now rest easy baby and know I love you. Remi smiles and places her head on his shoulder as he pulls back on the road.

They pull into the driveway at Momma's house and Remi is nervous. She hasn't ever met anyone's mother before. BG parks and gets out and walks around to help Remi out of the truck. He kisses her forehead and tells her to just be herself. He takes her hand and walks toward the house . His momma comes out on the porch, BG said " there's my Angel how are you momma?"
MommaBecky replies" I'm good baby boy how are you ?"
BG replies," I'm good I want you to meet Remington Slade or Remi. Remi this is my Angel , my momma Becky"
Remi said " it's nice to meet you Mrs Gilbert"
Momma Becky tells her to call her momma or momma Becky and hugs her. Y'all come on in and talk to me while I finish lunch. Remi asks if she can help. Momma tells her no y'all sit right there and Jerome company. BG asks ifKolbey was coming for lunch and she said he said he was. Momma askedRemi if she enjoyed being a nurse. Remi told her she loves it and can't imagine doing anything else. She knew from the time she was 16 that she wanted to help save people . She asked Remi what she thought about the concert last night, and Remi told her it was amazing watching BGin his element . That you could tell he had s blast doing it. She said the only bad thing was some of the fans got a little handsy after the concert. Kolbey walks in and said yeah I heard Miss Badass took them down before PJ had a chance. I'm glad you finally found one who can keep you In your place BG. Momma hit Kolbey on the back of his head and said Language! Sorry momma Kolbey said as he ducked his head. BG sat and laughed and momma looked at BG and said  you know better get that hat off in my house. Yes momma said BG. Remi looked at Kolbey and said you must be the baby brother, I'm Remington Slade but you can call me Remi. Kolbey said yes that's me the baby and my name is Kolbey. Remi smiles and said its nice to meet you and how did you hear about that? Kolbey laughs and said nothing is kept a secret long where he is concerned especially when it comes to a girl. The band called me up last night and filled me in. Of course I was surprised cause I had no idea that my big brother had a girlfriend and looks at BG.
    BG said well I wanted to see how things went before I brought her here in this craziness of my family and friends. You know y'all tend to run people off. Momma spoke up and said " When it's the right one we won't be able to run them off. Now go wash up lunch is ready." The boys get up and Momma asks Remi to stay. "You may say that it isn't any of my business but I have to ask what are your intentions toward my son?" Remi replies" Momma Becky I love your son and yes it may seem very fast but I do love him. I honestly can't imagine my life without him. And to be honest it isn't about his money cause I have my own. It's not about fame because I didn't know who he was. It is about the man that you raised. He loves me and treats me with respect and honor. He would protect me if need be just like I will him. And I do understand it is your business cause he is your son and even though he is a grown man he will always be your baby. I respect that and it makes him even more attractive to me that he loves you and wants your blessing on our relationship. That is what honor and respect are all about. If he does that then it means he will respect me and when/ if we have children he will teach them those same values not by hearing it but by his actions. I hope that I have answered your question."
   "Remi  I do believe you and I will be good friends girl . Now tell me what you did to that girl who put her hands on my baby." Said momma. Remi explained and Momma said "Kolbey was right but please don't tell him you are one badass girl. "
BG and Kolbey were standing outside the door and they busted out laughing and walked in and said Momma your language. Momma looked at them and said " don't mess with me cause Remi has my back and I think she has already shown people not to mess with her. Now let's eat Brantley say grace please."

They had a great visit with Brantley's family and MommaBecky told her to not be a stranger even if Brantley was gone. Remi told her she would have to come visit her in Atlanta and they could go shopping. They said their goodbyes and headed back to Remi's place.

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