Chapter 38 Doctors appointment

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BG and Remi flew in late last night after his show for her appointment today. He knew that Remi was nervous and it was starting to freak him out a little but he wasn't gonna tell her that. They are in the rental car and heading to the office. Remi is singing along with the radio trying to keep her mind off the fact she may or may not find out good news today. They pull into the parking lot and head in to the doctors office. She had B wear a colored hat today so people might not recognize him as easily.
Remi signs in at the desk and they give her papers to update so she changes her emergency contact and insurance information and change of address. She turns it back in and the receptionist looks at it and her eyes go wide as she looks at Remi. Remi smiles and places her index finger over her mouth . The receptionist nods in agreement. She sits back down beside B and he is fidgeting in his seat. Remi smiles and asks if he's alright. He said "it's not funny I just feel really weird siting in here with a bunch of pregnant women. I feel like everyone is staring at me." Remi said, " it's okay if you want to leave that's the reason I have always done this by myself. Snake was going to that first time but he lasted all of 5 minutes but that could be the fact I was 15 and people were staring at him one even told him he should be ashamed. But I can text you when I get done."
B looked at her and took her hand," I promise you that you will not do this alone ever again as long as I know about it. I'm staying I don't care if they do stare. I love you and I'm here."
A nurse come out and called Remington Slade. They get up and the nurse gets her vital signs, has her pee in a cup and tells her to step on the scale. She looks at B and said turn around. He just stands there, and Remi said"I mean it B turn around" he turns around and says," Remi you know this is crazy you are perfect no matter what a number says besides are you forgetting I've seen it all." She pops him on the back of the head and he said what was that for? Remi rolled her eyes and said you know it's for that cheeky comment B. The nurse shows them to a room and tells Remi she knows what to do and the doctor would be in.

Remi undresses and gets the paper gown and sheet and gets on the table. There was a knock on the door and Dr Williams walked in and introduced himself to Brantley and shook his hand. He went to Remi and hugged her and B just looked at her. Dr Williams asked if today was just a checkup for her yearly exam and prescription. Remi told him it was but she also needed some answers that she had been avoiding. He asked her what kind of answers.
Remi said " You may have heard but we are getting married and I have never really asked but with the beating I took and just found out that I was raped when unconscious, my question is can I still have children? Is it going to be impossible or will I need help?"
Dr Williams said," What you have recently found out explains so much about the damage we saw 4 years ago. Let's do the internal exam and then we will do an ultrasound to see if we can see anything if not then we will need to do a small invasive procedure to get a full idea. "
Dr Williams does her breast exam asking her questions and if she still continues to do them monthly . He looks to Brantley and said, Remind her to do them and another thing the partner often is the first to notice something different so don't hesitate to tell her if you notice something."Brantley asked, " Is this just precaution or has something happened?" Dr Williams said," it's precaution but I like to inform my patients partners too they are the ones who often notice something first."
Dr Williams has her scoot down and into the stirrups and does the internal exam and tells her he didn't feel anything any different. For her to get dressed and meet him in the ultrasound room. As she gets on the table and slips her panties off again and covers with a sheet the doctor comes in and she reminds him that she is allergic to latex and he said he remembered. He finished the ultrasound and told her to get dressed and meet him in his office.
BG and Remi sat in the chairs in Dr Williams office waiting . Both not sure if this was going to be good news or bad. Dr Williams came in and sat down and said," Well it looks like there was some damage from your experiences but nothing that can't be fixed with a minor surgical procedure to clean up the scar tissue. I have assumed that you want to do this as soon as possible am I correct?"
Remi said, " You are saying that if you clean up this scar tissue that wasn't taken care of 4 years ago that I would be able to have a baby without problems?"
Dr Williams said," Yes I am saying that but Remi you know pregnancy has a mind of its own and we can't always predict problems."
Brantley asked," What kind of surgery are you talking about ?"
DrWilliams told him," we would do it as an outpatient she would be put to sleep and have 2-3 small incision and we would insert scopes and camera and clean up the tissue and then once she woke up she would go home. I know that time is important and if you want to I can do it today, I have scheduled it if you want it to happen today."
Remi said," We flew in last night and need to fly out in the morning will that be a problem? If it isn't then yes let's do this"
Dr Williams." You will be able to fly but you know that you are gonna be really sore for several days and you will need to avoid big crowds. So I would suggest if possible a private flight."
Brantley said, "that won't be a problem but I'm touring right now should she go back with me or not? "
Dr Williams, " That will be fine but during travel she needs to get up and walk for 15 minutes every 2 hours to help prevent blood clots. Now y'all head to the hospital they have your orders and Jessie has been over and had them all sign confidentiality contracts. She will meet you and give them to you as well as a list of names who are approved to take care of you. Call your family Remi and let them know it's minor surgery but you know that being put to sleep and surgery anything might happen."
BG text Jeff to have him find them a private flight to leave in the morning at 8am that Remi was having surgery today in a little bit and she didn't need to be in the airport crowds. Then he text his momma and Kolby to let them know what was going on.
Remi sent her dad and Ace a text letting them know what was going on and told them either B or her would let them know the room number and when she went in and got out.
They left to go to the hospital to meet Jessie.

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