Chapter 54 News

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PJ woke BG and Remi up andtold them they were at the airport.They slipped their shoes on and BG grabbed their bag and got off the bus. PJ told them to let him know what time to pick them up at the airport on their return. BG told him that he would text him at let him know what time the plane would arrive as soon as they found out but he was thinking around 3pm if they left Atlanta at 1PM.

Remi boarded the plane and immediately after putting her seatbelt on was asleep. BG stayed awake until they were in the air and he let her seat all the way back and covered her with a blanket. Then he let his back and tried to sleep. He was almost to excited to sleep since they were going to find out if they were going to be parents in about 9 months. He knew their lives would change but he made a promise to himself that he would make sure that Remi always knew she was first priority because if they didn't take time to make sure their marriage was solid then they wouldn't be good parents to their children. He was thinking of Remi and how she would look rounded out carrying their child and he drifted off to sleep.

The flight attendant woke then up and said it was time to buckle up and to raise their chairs up. Both BG and Remi did that. He asked her how she felt and she told him okay still could sleep but otherwise okay. He looked and saw that it was 6am and asked if she wanted to get something to eat and then head to Dr. Williams office. Remi agreed that it sounded like a good plan to her.

They get a rental car and then head to Waffle House. They were able to get a booth and ordered their food fairly quickly. Remi knew she needed a full bladder for the ultrasound so she was drinking alot of water. She was very thankful that she didn't get sick at breakfast. BG paid their bill and they headed to Dr. Williams'office. It was 7:40am and they were early but the nurse let them in and told Remi to give a small urine sample and she would then draw her blood and put her in a room where someone would come get her vital signs.

Sitting in the room, it hit her that they could possibly be receiving news that would change their lives and she was so excited. She knew that if she was pregnant with more than one child that it would be a big deal but she had no fear in the man who was sitting in the chair holding her hand, that they could do anything together. She knew that BG was in it for forever no matter what life threw at them.

Dr Williams walks in shakes BG's hand and hugs Remi. He tells her he wants to do an exam to check everything. After the exam, he has Remi sit up. He says, " I want to say Congratulations, y'all are going to be parents. Now the blood levels were high so I want to do an ultrasound to see how many. Also, your cervix is closed so that is a very good sign. So get dressed and head to the ultrasound room and I will meet you in there."

BG looks at Remi and she looks like she is in shock. It begins to worry him a little but they head to the room. Remi undresses from the waist down and Dr Wiliams comes in and performs the vaginal ultrasound. He said," It looks like there are......2 embryos and one amniotic sack. So if it stays like this you will be having identical twins" as he points this out to BG and Remi. Remi looks at BG and like her he is crying like a baby just staring at the image on the screen. She grabs her phone and quickly snaps his picture. that is something she knows will be going in the scrapbook. Dr. Williams prints them pictures of the ultrasound images and tells them to meet him in his office. Remi gets dressed and then is in BG's arms. They stand in that room taking in the miracle they are witnessing, from the fear of never having children to being pregnant with twins in 2 months time.

BG finally speaks among the tears still streaming down his face," I love you Remi and I love our babies and I promise you right here that I will be there for you every step of the way. You will not do this alone. I don't care if I have to cancel or rearrange shows, you and our babies will always be first with me." Remi said," Baby, I love you and I am amazed that we are going to be parents of not just one baby but two. I know you will always be there, you have never let me down on that part. We will figure a way to work it out that works for our family. Now lets go see what Dr. Williams has to say."

BG and Remi walked in and took a seat. Dr Williams said," I am giving you prescriptions for prenatal vitamins and extra iron. I am also writing one for phenergan in case the morning sickness gets too bad while you are on the road. You know as a nurse when you will need that Remi. I am also going to give you some IV fluid bags and kits so that you do not get dehydrated if you are on the road. Normally we would just have you come in and take them in the hospital but that isn't always going to be easy to do. I am also giving you a prescription for them so when you run out you can get more without calling me. You know that carrying twins is sometimes considered high risk. We are going to take this day by day. Listen to your body and what it is telling you. Rest when it tells you do whatever you feel like. Sexual intercourse will not hurt the babies but just be careful. If any bleeding or cramping then you know to stop intercourse until you have been in for a visit. I want to see you in 2 weeks and if everything is good then we will do every month like a normal pregnancy because I know that is what you are going to have. Do you have any questions?"

BG asked," So we can have sex just not get carried away, correct?" Remi just shook her head. "I mean if we don't need to that's fine with me cause I want Remi and the babies to be healthy and arrive when they are supposed to so if we don't I'm good."

Remi said," Speak for yourself if I have to go that long without you its gonna be hell. I could do it but I ain't gonna lie and say I'm good."

Dr Williams laughed," Later on if there are complications then its contraindicated but right now it would be okay. Due date is gonna be mid July, but with twins most don't make it to 40 weeks so plan to be home at the beginning of June. Like I said, listen to your body Remi."

They got her prescriptions and and IV fluids and kits. Dr Williams made sure that both of them had all of his numbers in their phones and told them he was available 24/7 for any questions or concerns that they might have, not to hesitate to call or text him. He gave Remi a copy of her records to always carry with her so any doctor treating her would know what was going on. They made her next appointment for 2 weeks at 8am and left the doctors office.

BG and Remi pick up her medicine and decide that since its 11am to eat and then go ahead and get to the airport and get ahead of their timeline that way Remi could lay down and rest before tonights VIP session and show. On the way to the steakhouse ,they decide to wait and tell their families at Thanksgiving at one time. It would still be early only around 8 weeks and would anounce to the world between 12-16 weeks. They get to the restaurant and BG goes around and opens her door, helping her out of the vehicle. They go in and were seated and Remi orders a salad, steak and baked potato. BG orders the same.

They are quietly talking and waiting for their food when Remi looks at BG and said," This is not what we had planned and talked about, I mean I literally got pregnant on our honeymoon B, so are you truly okay with us becoming parents this soon?"

BG said," No it isn't what we talked about but baby, I told you either way I was happy. I love you and cannot wait to see your rounded belly carrying our babies. I mean I would be shouting from the rooftops right now if I could. I am beyond happy and excited and if I'm honest a little scared with 2 babies instead of 1 but I know that its gonna be okay cause I have you right there beside me."

Remi smiled." Eat up so we can get on the road and back to the family. We may have to end up telling them before Thanksgiving but maybe not. We will play by ear but we will have to tell Jeff and PJ so they can help out on both our parts." BG agreed with her and was secretly glad that she was being so reasonable but then again she had precious cargo on board and he knew she would be extra cautious since what happened the last time. He payed and left a good tip and took Remi by the hand to lead her to the vehicle. Remi text PJ and told him they would be leaving a little earlier and would text right before takeoff.

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