Chapter 45 The wedding

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    Remi wakes up and heads downstairs for coffee and sees that all her girls are there and David was there and said," I have your book if you want to look it over before I have to take it to BG." Remi looks and said," he's gonna die David , between that and the tattoo it's gonna knock his socks off." She eats breakfast and as she is finishing someone knocks on the door. Remi goes to get it and Caroline Bryan, Lukes wife said," No ma'am I will get it."
       At the door was Sandman, Ace and Snake. Remi asked what they were doing here and Sandman said," we wanted to come by and ask you if you wanted to give this to BG today as his wedding present?"
    Remi opens the box and its a Reapers cut with a member patch. She looks at them and said," No it has to come from y'all it can't be from me."  Snake said," I told y'all "
Ace said," we know but wanted to ask if you are okay with it. I know MC. Life isn't your thing"
Remi said," I love you all I just can't live it all the time and BG can't either so if y'all are sure then okay."
Sandman said," we are sure or it wouldn't have the patches on there already.
Sandman said," Remi I have something that I was to give you on your wedding day from your momma if for some reason she wasn't here. Sandman pulls out a red jeweled broach with a letter.  

If you are reading this letter it means I am not there for your wedding, for whatever reason. I want you to know that I love you baby girl. You and your brother are my world. I hope you like the broach I wore it on my wedding day to your dad. It brought me luck and hope it does the same for you. You will always be my beautiful little girl with fire in her eyes taking nothing off anyone. You are strong and made of forged steel baby, never forget that. Your daddy loves you and today is gonna be hard on him but know I am with you in your heart. I also know if you are getting married it has to be a pretty special guy to go against Sandman. That is true love baby, hold onto it cause it's a very rare thing to be gifted with. Always remember Momma loves you!

Love always,

Remi is crying and she shows David and he said it will look great on your bouquet. It's your something old.
The girls look and said what is your something Blue?  Remi smiles and said my garter.
Mama Becky said," something borrowed is this if you want it, and handed her a handkerchief.
David said "we can attach it to the bouquet with the broach. And now for your something new and he hands her a box."
Remi opens it and sees the perfect pair of earrings. There is a note
I love you and I asked what price of jewelry you needed for our special day. I hope you love them because I loved picking them out thinking about you on our wedding day. This is the first of many surprises I have for you. Can hardly wait till I can see you walk down the aisle to me. Our forever starts now.

The hair and makeup people told her it was time. She sent David to check on BG at the man cave in the bike house.  The guys were shooting pool and watching Pro football. BG asked, how is Remi?"
David told him "very emotional today"
Sandman, Ace and Snake walked in and said," This is for you if you want it BG"
He opened the box and saw it was a Reaper cut. He was speechless. Snake said," We all felt it was only right since you have possession of the one thing that means the most to us Reapers And that is the Reapers'Princesses heart. So will you accept this cut and be a Reaper. We know you are a little different and that Remi hates the lifestyle but it is necessary sometimes."
BG said," I am honored and he'll yes I will accept this if you have run it past Remi and she's okay with it."
Ace said," yeah we have cause we value our lives" They all laughed.
David tells them to get ready and take their places. They all leave BG alone and David hands him a box and letter.
I love you and wanted you to have something special for your wedding present. I hope you enjoy it because I had fun doing this thinking about you and knowing that when you see this I will be minutes away from walking down the aisle to you to become your wife.
I love you!

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