Chapter 11 Decisions

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Contains sexual scenes

Remi steps out of the shower and dries off slipping on her robe before entering her bedroom. She looks up as BG comes in the bedroom locking the door behind him. He takes off all his jewelry and clothes stripping down until he was standing in front of her in all his natural glory. She looks him up and down and he asks her if she likes what she sees. She bites her lip and nods yes. He takes her by the hand and pulls her into a kiss. It is soft and gentle and she feels like a prize being cherished. His rough calloused hands slip inside her robe and caress her back and they slip lower down squeezing her butt as he continues to explore her neck and shoulders with his mouth leaving a trail of fire in his wake. She wraps her arms around his neck and rubs her hands over his short hair as he leans down and kisses her breast, taking one then the other in his mouth as she arches into him. BG picks Remi up bridal style after slipping her robe off and lays her on the bed. He continues his exploration of her body worshiping it with his tongue and mouth and hands. There isn't an inch on her that he hasn't kissed. He kisses up her right leg to her thigh never touching the pink wet pussy that is dripping with her juices. She grabs his head and pulls it to her center and he looks up at her from between her legs as she watches him and he licks her like a popsicle, lapping at her and then delves in her lips to find her sensitive nub and as soon as he swirls his tongue around it she groans in ectasy. He continues and inserts a finger inside her pressing down and feels her wall start to quiver and with his fingers and tongue he wrings out numbers 2,3&4 orgasms. He kisses his way up to her breasts and lavishes them with attention and he places his tip against her entrance and she bucks wanting more. He slowly slides into her warm wet heat and holds as she adjusts to his size. When she starts to move he begins sliding in and out of her slowly taking time to build the pressure within her he fills her tightening the walls around him and he looks at her and says Remington I love you and she looks at him and says I love you Brantley and with those words they climax together holding on to the other because they know how precious it is. Remington looks at Brantley and has tears in her eyes and notices he does too. She tells him I love you Brantley. I know it's fast but I love you with my whole body and soul. Remington I know it's fast but I love you too with my whole being body and soul. He rolls over and holds her in his arms rubbing circles on her back. She whispers thank you B .
BG asks for what? Remington sits up and turns to him and said " For loving me enough to speak up when it might not be the best outcome for you. For wanting to protect me and take care of me, not because of some duty but because you loved me"
"Darlin I love you more than I ever thought possible especially after one day but I knew that you were different when I first met you. Thank you for loving this red neck biker boy from Georgia" BG replied. Remi looked at him and said well I guess it's time for you to go. He said are you kicking me out of your bed? She smiled and said you have business to attend to but do it quickly and get back to me. He kissed her and got up and got dressed. As he walked out she was already asleep.

BG walked to the conference room and knocked on the door, they said come in. He walked in and around the table sat Sandman at the head to his left Ace and to his right Snake then bySnake was Axel, Grizzly, Blade, Hosea, Demolition, and Diesel. Sandman told him to have a seat they had a lot to discuss." I know BG that you are not a full patched member of the Reapers but in this case we all agree that you need to be present at the table.
First order of business tonight Snake you went against a direct order from you President that the princess was not to be touched. What do you have to say in your defense?
Snake looked around and said there is no defense. My actions hurt her and caused her to leave. I will not beg for mercy because after what we all heard and saw tonight I don't deserve any. I was 27 years old a grown man and I hurt the one thing I swore to protect. So whatever your decision about me I will accept, I do ask for a chance to go my turn with Digger.

Anyone have anything to say about Snake?

Ace spoke and said, " you were my best friend and I knew something was up but I never thought it was Remi. I lost my sister for 4 years and I wanted to rip your heart out when she told everything tonight about how you let Candy suck you off and looked at her and made her watch. But then I looked at you and realized she already had ripped your heart out when she pulled up on the back of BG's bike knowing that when he pulled in here he would go toe to toe with dad something you could have done 4 years ago if you had been man enough as he was. When she told that Dr last night it would take a hell of a man to handle her she knew exactly what she was saying and so did you. So I have nothing as punishment because you have to live with knowing you let the most precious thing you will ever have slip right between your fingers.

Grizzly spoke up and said" I have had contact with her over the years she wasn't strong back then not like she is today. She went through hell and came out forged steel . Like Ace I feel like punishment is enough. The rest just nodded.

Sandman spoke" is everyone in agreement and willing to let this be in the past from here on out?"
They all said Aye. Gavel banged.

Digger is next up.
Ace said" we should all get a go for what he did to Remi. He broke 3 rules of the club. Protect the princess, what happens on a run stays on a run, you don't touch another mans woman.
They all agreed. Gavel sounded.

Candy is last order of business.

Snake said we haven't ever killed women in this club but if there was ever an exception it's her.
Ace agreed with Snake
Grizzly said I would say no but as long as Remi is alive then she would always be a thorn in her side.
BG said "I'm in the spotlight meaning Remi will be too so you all need to be careful. I know that you all are a legitimate club now and I don't think Remi wants you to do something that would jeapordize that status. You weren't when she left but you all did it to make her proud of you, don't go back now. "

They all looked at each other and nodded. We send her out of the country and tell her if she ever thinks about Remi again we will finish her off. They all agreed. Gavel sounded.

They all went and took turns on Digger some having to wait a day or two for their chance, but eventually they would all get their turn.

Remi was surprised a little in their judgements as she had no idea that they were all legitimate now but was so proud of them. She was able to spend some time with her pop and told him that Snake was still a very good man and brother. She knew if she called he would come and protect her with his life. She also knew there was no going back because too many things were said that day in the hospital and no one but then 2 would ever know how ugly they were to each other. She told her dad that it was all meant to be so she could find BG and love him. He was her other half, now they just had to figure out how to make it work.

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