Chapter 41 Check up

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4 weeks later

  Remi and BG walk into Dr Williams office and she signs in and they take a seat. BG is still as uncomfortable as he was on the first day. They call Remi back to a room and have her get into a gown. Dr Williams comes in and does her exam. He told her that everything felt good they needed to do another ultrasound and she would be ready to go. They walked down to the ultrasound room and Remi got situated and they did the ultrasound and he told them to meet him in his office.
Dr Williams comes in and sits down, he says,"I am gonna say that the procedure was a success. There are no signs of scar tissue and all the incisions have healed nicely. You still need to hold off on penetration intercourse for 4 more weeks to let everything have complete healing. Which your fiancé tells me Remi is just in time for your honeymoon. Thank you both for the invitation I will be there with my wife. I am giving you your prescription for your birth control pills use them or not it's up to you. And he laughs."
Remi said," thank you Dr Williams, I appreciate you more than you can ever know. You have been my family since I was 15 and you walked me through that first exam and had to explain to me how to take the pills and everything else. You were the one who held my hand after I was beaten and helped me form a plan to come here to Atlanta without ever telling me that you had planned on coming here to be closer to your family. Thank you and you better save me a dance at the wedding."
Dr Williams said, I will save you a dance if I can get you away from this guy."
BG smiles," I guess I will give you that cause I ain't naming my kid after you."
They all laugh and say goodbye. Remi and BG walk out and get into his truck and head for their house. They are meeting David there to go over last minute details since the wedding is 4 weeks away.
As they get out of the truck BG's phone rings and he made a motion that he had to take it. Remi nodded and let him know she was going out back with David. Remi gets the razor out and her and David go to the ceremony site. David was explaining what he had planned and Remi is just amazed. He has taken her basic idea and went above and beyond yet at the same time keeping it BG and her.
She also told him that she wanted to surprise BG but needed some help. David asked what she was thinking .
Remi said,"I want to have some pictures made for him but it will have to be a woman photographer. Bedroom pictures in my wedding lingerie to be made into a book for him to get before I walk down the aisle."
David said," I have just the person to do it. Let me call her and I will let you know. Can you do it in the morning?"
Remi said," tomorrow morning will be perfect we got to leave in the afternoon to get to his show."
David made a call and grins. When he got off the phone he told her that she was a go for tomorrow morning at 9am.
BG walks up and said," what's tomorrow at 9am?" David said," final fitting for her dress, so I will pick her up at 8am since you can't go."
BG grins and says," I can go y'all just won't let me, now where is the party part of this wedding going to happen and do we need a stage built and dance floor built?"
David shows BG where he thinks the stage should be and dance floor. Remi excuses herself to run inside. BG looks at David and said," I want this day to be the best day of her life. I have Alabama coming to sing our first dance song. I know she wanted white lights and I want the most white lights you can get here. I also need you to get a lip print of hers for me. I'm gonna have them tattooed on my body as part of her wedding present if you could get it to me I can have it done while y'all are gone tomorrow morning."
David told him he would get it for him no problem. BG told David that he would have someone come build the stage and stuff next week. David asked if they had their license yet and they told him no, they were waiting less chance of anyone finding out if they get it the week of the wedding.
They all decide to go to the local steakhouse for supper. Mama Becky meets them there and they all catch up on what they have to do to get ready for the wedding in the next 3 weeks. They have a great night and everyone says goodnight at the restaurant.

BG and Remi get back to the house. She goes to their bedroom and strips to her panties and pulls on one of BG's t'shirts. He comes in and strips to his boxer briefs and pulls the covers back on the bed. They both get in and meet in the middle. She asks him how she is going to pack for the honey moon if he doesn't tell her where they are going. He laughs and says I have that taken care of doll. Well will you tell me what we are leaving in or did you decide on your motorcycle?Remi asked. BG said were you serious about the motor cycle? Yes I was, we will just have to be a little careful of my dress but it sounds great to me. I mean you are a biker and I'm a biker princess. We can take it to another location and have my truck at that location. Sounds good baby.
"Now Batchelorette and Batchelor parties, are we doing them? If so, NO STRIPPERS BG. I would go crazy knowing that there were naked women rubbing up on you and I would go all biker bitch on you." Remi told him.
BG said," I agree no strippers cause I would have to kill someone because they ain't no naked man gonna rub up on my woman, I mean I would shoot them dead Rem."
"Honestly why can't we just do a weekend of being with our family and friends,  we can do girls day/ boys day then Bonfire /party Friday night after the football game like you used to do. Saturday rehearsal at lunch then have lunch and tailgate party for our games and the we go our separate ways until I walk down the aisle. What do you think, B?" Remi asked.
   BG said," I think you are a genius! Tell David tomorrow to get the invitations out and then let us know how many can make it for each activity." BG rolled her over and kissed her and she pulled him closer, and whispers "only a month left baby, I'm looking forward to our wedding night ."  BG growls and rolls and tucks her in and tells her," me to baby, me too"

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