Chapter 53

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Remi got up and looked at the time, it was 4pm. She didn't have long so she grabbed a test and went to the bathroom. She read the directions and peed on the stick like it said and set her phone timer. She knew that it was a long shot that she would have a true answer but she had to try. It was like she knew she was pregnant and her body was trying to tell her. She glanced at the test and looked at the box, then the test again. She put the test in the box and put it in the cabinet.
BG walked on the bus and asked PJ if Remi was up. PJ told him she was in the bathroom that she was ready to go but they were taking the cart cause she said she was still tired. BG asked when she got up and PJ told him 3pm.
BG knocked on the door and asked," Remi you okay baby?"
Remi replied,"Yeah I will be out in just a minute to head over with you."
Remi text Dr. Williams
Remi: Do you usually get a false positive on a pregnancy test? I just took one and it was positive. I'm not due to start till Sunday.

Dr. Williams: you need to get blood levels drawn if you got a positive this quick, you do know that it could be a multiple pregnancy. Are you sick?

Remi: No I slept from 10pm until 3 pm and I still feel tired

Dr Williams: You need to have blood levels drawn and ultrasound ASAP so we can get you on vitamins. I believe that you probably are pregnant with more than one and the morning sickness will probably be hitting you in the next few days.

Remi: okay I will talk to BG but schedule me for tomorrow I will fly in and then fly to the next show on Sat. What time?

Dr. Williams: How about 8:00am and you will be first and can get on your way.

Remi: See you tomorrow .

Remi text Jeff and told him to charter a private flight for her and BG after the show to Atlanta and then one from Atlanta to the next show after lunch tomorrow. Jeff said okay what's up and Remi said I need to see the doctor and I will tell BG he doesn't know yet. We are heading your way in a few.

Remi knows that she needs to tell BG so she takes the test and goes out the door that enters the bedroom and yells for him.
BG walks in the bedroom and asks," Are you okay baby?"
Remi smiles and said, "Well you tell me daddy"
and he looks at what she's holding and then it hits him she called him daddy.
BG said," I thought it was too early to take one. But does that say pregnant?"
Remi smiled," Yes and I have talked to Dr Williams. He says that it is probably correct and this early may mean a multiple pregnancy. Wants to do blood work and ultrasound ASAP. Jeff is getting us a private flight after the show. We are his first appt tomorrow and we will fly out of Atlanta after lunch to the next show. "
BG said," Multiple as in more than one?"
Remi said," yeah that's why I'm so tired he thinks and said that they morning sickness would probably start showing up too"
BG said," It's really happening ?"
Remi said," yeah it looks like we may be gonna have a baby or babies"
BG kissed her and placed his hand on her belly and said," hey there peanuts I'm your daddy and I love you so much."
Remi smiled and said," we got to go baby"
BG stood up and took her hand and walked to the front. He told PJ,"Do not get 2 feet away from her. She is probably carrying precious cargos"
PJ looked at Remi and said," it was positive?"
Remi said," yeah and dr thinks for it to be that positive this early means more than 1 baby. We have an appt tomorrow to find out. Please don't tell anyone I don't want to announce it until some time has past or I start to show if it's more than 1. But I agree with BG I need to be extra careful."
PJ said," you got it little bit, anything you need let me know."
They walked outside and got on the cart to go to the VIP session. BG had his arm around Remi and he looked at her and said," I love you and our babies and I'm like you I think you are. You never sleep like that unless you work doubles and then you didn't sleep that long. I promise to do my best to take care of y'all."
They arrive at the VIP room and PJ walks Remi in and goes to stand against the wall to her right. Brantley comes out and answers questions from his fans. He sings Grown Ass Man and Picture on the Dashboard. He walks behind the curtain meeting PJ and Remi at the cart. PJ drives them to catering and they all go in and fix a plate and sit down to eat, when Remi suddenly gets up and runs to the bathroom. BG let her go and waited a couple minutes before following her. He finds her in his dressing room throwing up. He pulls her hair back while wetting a washcloth for her. She takes the washcloth and wipes her mouth and then rinses her mouth with water. She looks at BG and said," it was the smell of beer. How do I keep this quiet B? "
BG just hugged her and said "its gonna be fine. The guys will understand once we know,we will tell them so they will keep it away from you. Do you want to go back?"
Remi said," yeah cause I'm starving"
BG laughs and throws his arm around her shoulder and they walk back to catering and eat. No one mentions it and the beer is gone.
They all head to backstage and Remi is walking with BG and he goes to light his cigarette and then he puts it back in the pack and puts it in his pocket. Remi looks at him and he said," I'm gonna do my best not to smoke around you now darlin' gotta take care of my babies"
Remi smiled and just leans farther into BG as they continue to walk. PJ is just a couple steps behind them. The band is waiting on them and they have BG and Remi's Mt Dew and they all have shots in hand. They say their prayer and do the toast when Remi feels like she's gonna be sick again. They are playing the intro and she looks at BG and said," Kick ass Outlaw"
He replied," Always Baby, if you need to leave its fine." Then he made his entrance.
Jeff came up and said, "your plane is ready to go when y'all get there and will be ready to fly out at 1pm tomorrow. Is everything okay Remi cause you look pale?"
Remi started to speak and had to make a dash for the closest bathroom. PJ was right behind her doing what he said he would. She finishes and then rinses her mouth out before heading back to side stage. She was just in time they had brought her stool out and was waiting on her to walk out BG was talking and he greeted her and helped her on the stool and whispers"just one tonight"
She nodded and smiled and BG sang You Don't know her like I do while pictures of their wedding played on the screen. Brantley said," BG Nation give my wife a warm welcome. We have had an amazing time celebrating our marriage with our family and friends and now with all of you! " BG kisses Remi and as she walks away he swats her ass and said," Sorry guys she's all mine and I'm one lucky man and I know it."
Remi walks to side stage and sits down on the stool PJ had and handed her some water. She took it and drank half the bottle. The concert was over and the band and BG came running off. Remi tells them they kicked ass and they all head to the buses.
BG gets his shower and they pack one bag between them and PJ tells them it's gonna be about an hour before they get to the airport. BG turns on the tv and Remi curls up by him on the couch and they both nap until they get to the airport.

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