Chapter 10 The Ugly Truth

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   BG runs out the door after Remi and pulls her into his arms. She tells him everything she just overheard. I had no idea B that all that happened and that there is a video. Not to mention what she said about Snake, I thought I was done with that crap. I am ready to go now.     

     BG looks at her and says" The Remington Slade  Reapers Princess I know ain't about running. She faces down anything in her path including some used up pussy. So which Remi are you the one 4 years ago or the badass bitch I saw last night that laid out 2 grown men with one touch?"
       Remi looked and him and smiled. "Thanks B I needed that and I've got some unfinished business to take care of from 4 years ago. Want to come with me?"  He smiled and said "yeah I do, it's time for them to see who you are." They walked back into the clubhouse.

Everyone turned as they walked in and looked. Ace whisper"oh shit"
Grizzly said"this shit just got real boys you better strap in for the ride"
Axel looks at them like they are crazy and said"what the hell are you talking about its Remi"
Snake drops his head he knew that it was all coming out now.

Remi walked over to Candy and punched her in the nose breaking it. Candy yelled, " you stupid bitch you broke my nose"
Remi gets in her face and said " I ain't done yet but first we all have some business to discuss."
Sandman yells"'who the fuck is going to tell me what is going on"
Remi looks to Candy do you want to tell him or should I tell him? Candy sneers at her and said "go ahead bitch see who they love after this and it won't be princess anymore"
Remi looks at Snake and says I'm sorry .
He looks at her and says" go ahead this is 4 years to late. I will take whatever comes cause it ain't nothing like I deserve."

Sandman looks at them and said "someone better get to talking"
Remi said " I will explain but I have to have everyone promise me that they will keep their mouths closed until after I finish telling you what happened and why I left. Okay?" They all nodded their heads yes.
" Well being the princess of this MC sucked as a teenage girl. I wanted to date and fall in love but no one would date me and if they did ask me out it was soon taken back because someone of you would pay them a visit and scare them off. Well when I was 18 I had a date to the senior prom only I caught Snake threatening him away. So I told him that I had already bought a dress so it meant he had to take me to Prom. We were both miserable at prom so he asked if I wanted to go for a ride? So we did and we ended up at our spot at the lake. Since I was 15 Snake had been the one dad assigned as protection. We had gotten close because we spent a lot of time together. That was our spot because when things got to much to handle he would take me there and I told him everything. My hopes and dreams my fears and he was the one who comforted me when I lost mom and Grizzlys dad. So that night at prom I had been planning to get rid of my vCard. I told him that since he screwed that up he owed me. I started taking my clothes off and was coming on to him and he turned me down. I got mad and told him if he could fuck the club whores then he could fuck me. He took me home then. I go off to college and think well it will happen but no dad sends a prospect with me every year. The summer after I graduated when things were so bad between the Reapers and Angels,  Snake was again on protection detail. I was studying for my boards and one night it got to be to much. I was going stir crazy being locked up in this clubhouse. Snake took me for a ride and we ended up at the lake. I poured out my frustrations of this whole situation and how I was the only 22 year old virgin around. At that point I had decided that I must be ugly and that is why no one wanted me. I stripped completely naked and asked Snake what was wrong with me that no one could love me. When I said that Snake picked me up and kissed me and I gave him my virginity that day. "
Sandman said "Son of a bitch I trusted you!!" Grizzly held him back.
     Remi said, " I'm not finished so be quiet. Snake made everything okay in my life. I had loved him since I was 15 and I thought he was it for me. We snuck around for a few weeks stealing kisses and moments when we could. We had been at the lake and Snake asked me to be his ol lady. Said he was tired of sneaking around and that he loved me.  We were on our way back to tell you dad and he was prepared to do what he had to, but he got the call y'all were riding out for a run. Club business always comes first. We kept in touch a lot the first 2 weeks then the next 2 weeks things were deadly and we didn't talk much at all then I didn't hear anything the next 3 weeks. At the time y'all came back I had realized that I was pregnant and needed to talk to Snake. He wasn't with y'all so I had to wait. The welcome home party started and Digger kept hitting on me and wouldn't take no for an answer. I looked around for help but I couldn't find anyone and then I realized y'all were all probably fucking the whores. Snake had just pulled up and saw Digger kissing me. I told Digger to let me go that my ol man wouldn't like it and he asked who was that stupid. I told him I belonged to Snake and he laughed in my face and pulled out his phone and showed me pictures of Snake fucking six different women. As soon as he got off his bike Candy was all over him and he unzipped his pants and she sucked him off right there in the lot with me watching. Digger told me that I was free game to anyone now that I was no different that the whores. I was to do whatever the brothers wanted and he wanted me and aimed to have me. He took me I resisted and he beat the crap out of me. I ended up in the hospital as you all know, but I lost my baby. Snake came to see me and I said horrible things to him and he said horrible things to me too. I planned while I was in there, I found a job and left never planning on coming back to this place that took so much from me. But here I am, I'm home and I will be damned if some skank ass worn out pussy runs me off again. Now what I want to know is the truth, I overheard something tonight that I didn't know and I deserve the truth Digger. So I'm asking this one time Did you rape me and video tape it after you beat me unconscious? 

    Digger looked at her and went pale as everyone in the MC looked at him.

Remi walked over in front of him and grabbed him by the balls and squeezed hard and said,"Did you rape me after I lost consciousness and video tape it?

    Digger nodded his head yes. The whole club exploded!!  Remi said, "where is the video?" In this cold voice and they all stopped silent. He said, "on my phone"  Remi told him to hand it over. He did. She looked at him and said,"whose idea was this Digger? And who else knows?"
  Digger nodded his head at Candy, and said"she wanted Snake and you were in her way and I was high on pills back then and she supplied them" Remi looked at Digger, "thank you for the truth , now boys take him to the cell."
  Remi walked over to Candy and said "It's a shame you did all that and you still don't have Snake."
    Candy not knowing when to keep her mouth shut said ,"I may not but you don't either bitch." Remi smiled and said "Don't want him I have a man who after one night knew what a prize he had found and went toe to toe with the Sandman and won. Why ? Cause he wanted me. I still have my family Candy but you after this have nothing left. Not even this club."
When Remi turns her back Candy attacks her and Remi beats her till they pull her off.
     Remi walks into the meeting room and starts going through the phone finding the video and she begins to watch it. BG is beside her and Ace, Grizzly, Axel and Sandman come in and try to take it from her. Snake walks to the door but refuses to enter. Sandman looks up and said " you caused this situation so get your ass in here and watch what she went through calling out for you to help her"  Remi watches as silent tears run down her face, she feels BG squeeze her leg she grabs his hand for strength. She can tell he is pissed watching the video. It radiates off him and before she can react he has Snake on the ground beating his face in. Ace and Axel pull him off till he gets control back.

Remi looks at them all and said"This is why I left cause I was not going to be what tore this club apart but after hearing her talk tonight I had to know I couldn't let it go. I'm sorry pop that I failed as Princess. I was wrong in a lot of things and yes Snake made bad decisions but I also grew up I knew what club life was. I knew that Snake had a different girl every day I knew he wasn't gonna settle down but I wanted him and princess always got what she wanted. So for that I am sorry. For a long time I did the what ifs and you know it's okay. I'm okay. Last night walking into that bar and seeing my family made me miss home but the minute I walked into Snakes arms I was home. I was safe in the arms of my brother. So please if you all love me know that it wasn't his fault, the blame lies solely on Candy and Digger who broke the code of what happens on a run stays on a run. And he forgot the first rule of being a Reaper and that is you always protect the princess. Snake has lived through enough of my shit to last a lifetime. Don't make him go through anything more. As for Digger that is club business and Candy well I think it best if she disappears from here because I may kill her if I see her again. But then again that's club business. If you will excuse me I am going to shower and go to bed. "
    BG gets up to go with her and Sandman said wait BG. BG stops and looks and Sandman said I am assuming after that beating you gave Snake you want a turn on Digger? BG said"you bet your ass I do but first I have to take care of Rem. She is my top priority"  Sandman smiles and said someone will be in here waiting whenever you get ready son."

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