Chapter 15 The Show

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  BG, Remi and the band are in his dressing room just hanging out before they go on. They start asking Remi questions about working ER and she said " Boys the best advice I give out is don't do anything that you would be embarrassed having to explain to the nurse in the ER, also if someone says hey watch this go ahead and call 911 cause most end up in the ER"  She said boys I have done this for 4 years and I have seen just about anything you can come up with.

    There was a knock on the door showtime in 15 minutes guys. They get a drink and toast to John and rocking this show. The lights go down and the band takes their places and start to play Kick it in the Sticks BGpulls her in for a kiss and she said knock em dead baby!
     BG goes out jumping and bouncing around and starts singing. When he finishes that song he says HELLO NASHVILLE ARE YALL READY TO PARTY?! The crowd went wild ! He sings Small town Throwdown, Bending the rules  and Breaking the Law, Halfway to Heaven, then he talks about the second Ammendment and sings Read Me My Rights, Take it outside, One Hell of an Amen after talking about the military, My Faith in You , My Baby's Guns n Roses.
   BG said he was gonna slow it down just a little bit and sings Saving Amy, Let it Ride, and then he said I'm gonna do something different can someone bring me a stool? They did and he looks to the crowd and said I know most of you are wondering who the woman was in the airport. Well that is my girlfriend Remington Slade . Remi I'm gonna ask you to come out here darlin' . Remi looks at BG and shakes her head no. Remi don't make me come get you baby, get your ass out here so everyone can meet you. She puts her hands on her hips  and stares at him and he said please baby come on I want to introduce you to BGNation. She walks toward him and he could tell she was feisty not mad but it's gonna be good.  BG Nation please welcome to the stage Remington Slade! The crowd goes wild when she walks up to BG and grabs his ass and kisses him. He try's to break away and she won't let him so he says what the hell and picks her up and takes her to the stool and sets her down. He said I want to sing these next couple songs for Remi. He sang Fall into Me, and If you want a Bad Boy. He danced around Remi and flirted and she got off the stool and danced with him. The crowd loved it! He said give it up for Remi! He kisses her again and as she turns he pops her ass and said Guys she's all mine and I'm one lucky man! She sways a little more and he growls into the mic and she looks over her shoulder and winks.

    BG sings several more songs before he goes to close the show with Bottoms Up. He pulls a little girl up on stage to sing it with him and she rocks it and knows all the words. Remi watches and it hits her that would be about the age her baby would be and her heart hurts. She knows that at 22 and with Snake wouldn't have been a good combination but how she misses knowing that she could have been a good mom. She needs to tell BG what they have told her before he gets any more involved with her.
     They run off the stage and BG goes straight to Remi and hugs her. She looks at him and said that was amazing and you do it night after night. She is smiling but he sees sadness in her eyes, something has happened to put that there. Everything okay darlin? Yeah B , what do you do after the show? Well I shower first and then we usually grab food or get on the road depending on where we have to be. Come on let's get to the bus so I can shower and we will see what's going on from there. As they walk to the bus, some of the fans are a little rowdy. PJ is on one side of Remi and BG is on the other. BG is talking to the fans and stops to sign some autographs when one of the ladies get a little forward and has her hands running up and down his arm. BG steps away and signs another fans tshirt and the lady steps toward him again and runs her hand on his arm and grabs his ass. BG moves her hand and said "don't do that" and the lady does it again. Before PJ could react Remi had the ladies arm twisted and had her backed up away from BG. Remi said" I believe that Mr.Gilbert told you not to do that." As Remi let go of the ladies arm and turned the lady hit her from behind. Remi had her down and subdued before PJ could stop her. BG told PJ to radio for security to have her escorted off the premises. Remi leaned over and told the lady, " You don't ever hit someone from behind especially when you don't know what they can do. You need to be very grateful that I can control myself or else you would be taking a ride in the ambulance right now instead of just being escorted off the premises. When a man says don't touch him he means don't touch him. Word of advice, don't put your hands on another woman's man if you know what's good for you. If we had been anywhere else but his place of work, I would stomp your ass bitch for daring to touch him once much less twice. He told y'all tonight he was taken and he meant it. Do we understand each other?" The lady looked at Remi and said,"Bitch you are the one who will regret this for laying hands on me." Remi said ,"really all I did was move you away from my client when he told you to not touch him and when I let you go, you attacked me from behind and I had to restrain you until security got here. That's what all these people saw and I'm sure they would testify too. So that's up to you how you want to go with this. Security arrived and took the lady off of the premises. Everyone else was kind and sweet a few even asked if Remi could be in the picture with them and BG. As they got on the bus PJ said girl he just needs to hire you for security and let me drive the bus. Remi laughed . BG got a shower and when he came out he saw PJ and Remi deep in conversation. She laughed but he could still see the sadness in her eyes. Hey guys have we decided what we are doing? The band said hit up Waffle House. BG said it sounds good are we ready? PJ said lets roll guys. They head to Waffle House and on the way BG asks Remi if she wants to ride back to Atlanta tomorrow or does she want to fly because he finished the studio today. She said if you are going back home then I will ride with you. Well do you want to get up early and go to my momma's for lunch since I'm on her bad list for not bringing you before she saw it on social media. Remi looked at him and said that sounded great. So they had it all worked out and he would have time to talk about that sadness he was seeing tonight.

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