Chapter 20 Normal Day

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BG wakes up to see that Remi is not in bed with him so he gets up and goes to find her. She is sitting on his back deck with her feet propped on the railing drinking coffee. He stands there just watching her. She has taken his heart in such a short time. He didn't understand love at first sight until he met Remi. It was like he knew her soul when their eyes locked. He has fallen hard for her and his momma loves her. He wants her to meet his friends so he thinks a cookout and bonfire will be the perfect way to do that, he just needs to run it by her. He decides to make his presence known.

    "Good morning darlin," BG says walking over and giving her a kiss.
" Good morning B, I have a question?" Remi said
"What's that babe?" BG replied
" How do you leave this place? It is so beautiful and peaceful here. I could sit right here for hours and just watch the animals and look at the scenery." Remi asked him.
" Well I hate leaving it but then I get on tour and I love singing and having such great fans it's okay. But the best part is coming home to this place. I love it here that is why I will never move to Atlanta or Nashville. There is no place id rather be than right here. This very spot is where I have written so many songs and realized the most important thing in life is the people you love. It's home for me, my safe haven. " BG said.
"I can understand why, it's peaceful and calming and I don't know that I will ever want to leave now that I've been here." Remi said.
"That's good to know darlin' cause I meant it when I told Sandman you were mine. I know it has been quick and we are still getting to know each other but I am saying right here and now in case you didn't know it I'm playing for keeps. I hope you are too." BG said
" I wouldn't be here B if I wasn't playing for keeps. I know that I want you in my life and as much as I hurt when all that went down 4 years ago it would be nothing compared to losing you." Remi told him.
" I have something I want to run by you, I have met your friends and family and you have met momma and Kolbey. I thought we could have a cookout and bonfire and invite my friends over for you to meet and get to know. Just something fun and informal. I usually do one when I'm home for us all to get together. Is that something you would like to do?" BG asked.
"That's a great idea but looking in your fridge we gotta go shopping. You have nothing to eat. I'm looking forward to meeting and hanging out with your friends." Remi said.
" Well how about we go get dressed and I take you out to eat and then we get groceries and anything else you think we will need. I will text everybody and see if they can do it tomorrow. "
BG told her.
Remi gets up and kisses him and said "it sounds like a plan. You want me to cook tonight and us watch movies or did you have something else in mind? "
BG pulls her in close and tells her, " a quiet night at home with you is perfect for me."

They go to the local diner and order their food. The waitress treats BG like any other customer. Remi asked was that the way it always is here at home. BG grins and says pretty much. I like it because they won't let me get to big for my britches. Most everyone here knows some embarrassing story about me and there are things they won't let me live down. There isn't any where in town that I can go without some kind of memory coming to mind. That is where I get my inspiration for my songs is my life. People I know and things I go through. I'm not a big talker so I sing about those things. Remi smiles and said so your songs are about your life, that's a good thing to know. I will have to listen to all your songs now so I can know your secrets. BG laughed and said,"Darlin' I'm an open book no secrets in a small town." Remi laughs at that and said," Oh how I know that is true." Their food came and they are and continued to talk. BG asked her if she was ready to go and she nodded so he left a tip and went to pay the check.
They headed to the grocery store and Remi asked so how many people am I cooking for with this cookout? BG said well usually I plan for 30 cause I don't always know who will be bringing people but you don't have to do anything darlin. She looked at him and said Babe I was the princess of an MC, cooking for 30 is a breeze. What do you usually do? He said I usually do hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill. She said okay then so chips, potato salad and baked beans. That menu sound good with banana pudding and strawberry shortcake for dessert? BG grins at her and said that sounds wonderful. They got what she needed for that and then what they needed for them. He said he hated to make her come to his house and cook when he could just pick it up from the restaurant. She said she didn't mind it at all. She loved to cook when she had time. They get checked out and head home. BG and Remi carry in the groceries. She shoos him out of the kitchen and tells him to call or text his friends while she gets supper started. She is fixing cheesy bacon chicken breasts, three cheese Mac and cheese and seasoned green beans and apple pie for dessert.
   BG went to the garage and tinkered with his bike while Remi cooked supper and prepped for the cookout tomorrow. He was surprised she wanted to fix everything herself. He can hardly wait to see his friends all together. Remi may be a little surprised when they all get there.
     Remi goes to the garage and tells BG to wash up supper will be done in 10 minutes. He gives her a kiss and tells her that he will be there. She walks in and pours them both a glass of sweet tea and fixes their plates and has them at the table when BG comes in and sits down. "You are spoiling me darlin' " BG tells her. Remi smiles and says , "That's my job babe as your old lady." So is everyone coming tomorrow? BG tells her yeah that they said they would be here tomorrow at 5. They eat and BG helps clean up and they head to the bedroom to get comfortable and watch Black Hawk Down before calling it a night.

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